I share others' expressions of sympathy for the loss of your sister. Look after yourself. Please think twice before going back to the kingdom hall for any reason, including the funeral service for any family member who may stuill be inside. Perhaps you did not know beforehand that the service would be little else than a sales plug for the organization and/or that it would pay little regard for the humanity of your sister. Now you know. I feel for what you are experiencing and at the same time hope you will gain strength from the realization that you do not need them let alone their puny judgemental opinions. Go well.
My sisters funeral service was just appalling. An absolute disgrace.
by still wondering 37 Replies latest watchtower medical
The talk given bore no resemblance to your 2008 outline. It lasted about 20 minutes and quoted just one scripture.
Was this talk at the KH ? There would be more latitude shown at a funeral home with lots of non or df'ed da'ed people around.
I have also noticed that many "liberal elders" are as annoyed with the "funeral talk" as I am and would "wing it" and try to personalise it more.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your sister. I agree with the consensus; JW funerals are awful. A high catholic funeral I attended was amost as bad. The priest was called up at the last minute because the local priest was ill. He was a little put out, knew nothing of the deceased, and thought the local priest should have done it, ill or not. I know because he told us all so. Her sister and daughter saved the day by grabbing the mike and mentioning a few reminisces. A rich life, poorly told.
Your comment on the "mundane" reminded me of a conversation with my JW hubby this week. My daughter has a highly stressful but very gratifying (to her) hobby. She grooms and shows a prize Afghan hound. At least monthly she complains about her co-owner, who fails to return calls, failed to register the dog for an upcoming show, and generally all the politics and in-fighting that goes along with subjective judging and high emotion. Hubby noted my daughter's distress - yet again - and commented what a "mundane" activity this is. I asked if dressing in suit and tie and going door to door to spread an uninvited message week after week is any less mundane? Hubby had a religious attack and ranted the rest of the afternoon on the value of field service, a sure sign that the dart hit home.
Her sister and daughter saved the day by grabbing the mike and mentioning a few reminisces
Well we all know that could NEVER HAPPEN at the KH.......
Poztate - I think you're right: My semi-active JW uncle who died 10 years ago had a funeral service at a funeral home and not a kingdom hall: Even his strongly JW siblings gave heartfelt eulogies to him during the service at the funeral home. It was a JW-themed service but not JW dominated.
still wondering
No it was not at the KH but at the crematorium. The speaker was even more reprehensible as he was the elder that had officiated at her wedding just over a year earlier. She had remained single to put service (servitude) to the WTS first in her life. What a waste.
Despite her family being at the funeral we were all non-existent as far as the speaker was concerned.
Whenever I read these things I recall Our Lords words:
"forgive them, they know not what they are doing..."
So sorry that you had to go through this, truly.
I too am sorry you had to endure that..I had to sit through it at my JW hubby's memorial services..I wanted to scream out how ignorant they were..