still trying to get my head cleared
by beccaskids 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
The good news is you are out and can think for yourself. You were in a high control cult for 30 years. You can't just wipe that away right away.
thanks your right i am,time to grow up without them!lol..keep trying to tell myself that.:)
Hi beccaskids and welcome! MrFreeze is correct. You have a major sifting exercise ahead of you. My suggestion is to keep the things that resonate positively with you; that uplift you and bring you joy. Get rid of all that does not.
For me, I abide by no religion as I see them as being made from men who wish to control and manipulate. This is also my conclusion of the Bible.
Have you read Stephen Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"? This book resonates with me; it helps me a lot. It directly contradicts what you've been taught by the Society, starting with "Habit #1: Be Proactive". This is directly opposite to the "Watchtower's Habit: Wait on Jehovah".
Do your research, ask questions, be open to learning ideas even if they contradict what you've been taught.
Your path lies before you; I wish you an awesome journey.
Welcome!! It's good you found this site,,your child brain was so programmed through all those brain-control meetings, added with all the garbage literature. It takes quite a while. Have you read books like Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz? That helps to identify and unravel the webs. Afterall we had to read so much JWism, we have to read a lot to unravel it, or to help to quickly identify and overpower it with facts. There are so many other good books that others here with mention.
Checking in here as others bring out current news, and some here are such good researchers to help any hiccups or burps of the WTism.
It is hard to know "who" to believe. Best to read, examine, think, not be in a rush. We all have to find our own path.
If you haven't already read them, a few books are highly recommended to help a former JW find their way if they need to know where to start:
Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz- former GB member of JW's.
Also, In Search of Christian Freedom by Raymond Franz.Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan
Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves by Steven Hassan -
Welcome to the forum! :) Im sure you will get lots of help here to understand what is REALLY going on! I have posted loads of stuff about questions and worries i had and i received some great responses. Now everything is in perspective. :)
I FULLY agree with Gayle... read Crisis of Conscience if you havnt already. Franz explains everything so logicaly and addresses almost all the major doctrines of the WT organisation. When i finished reading it, i realised that i could still serve God and Jesus without the organisation.
Anyway... enjoy your stay here and ask as many questions as you want! :)
Timmy xxx
Mickey mouse
Welcome! You're a similar age to me; as a born-in I can relate to the way you feel.
You need to try on different viewpoints a bit like a coat and see how they fit. You'll gradually work out which of your opinions are your own and which ones are cuckoos in the nest planted by the Watchtower.
Hi Becky
I think you've done the right thing by coming on here.
I struggled on my own for years and could not make sense of things. It is very helpful to hear other peoples feelings and experiences. Some people on here just want to have a laugh which is fine if that's their way of dealing with the stress.
Peace to you and live the life!
Thanks everyone,the only book i have read is called witnessing to witness i saw it and read it and cleared some things to me about it,like if they didnt have the watchtower they would have nothing to really go on.i need to get a hold of those books mentioned i think they would be some help.
thanks again everyone for the welcome and help:)