(typing on phone, and it won't give me capitals)
talking about large gatherings... i was always the one in the congregation that organised the nice cong-gatherings. going for a meal after the convention, bowling, bbq's in the park and a talentshow. the elders trusted me on this, because there were never any problems.
so when i was dating my now husband, i lived on my own for a few years and wanted to organise a garden party in my own garden for a few jw mates.
so i sent out invitations with an old 'midsummer nights dream' poster on the front with 'party' on top of the word dream. it said 'cocktails' 'summer' 'dancing' on the invitation. so i gave a few invitations to my hubby for his congo and he also invited this pioneer sister who went straight to an elder with the invitation and he wanted to come to my inlaws house to talk with him.
my husband is a gentle 'mr bingley' kind of person, so i said i would join him in the conversation, because also i never fight when i do... i can make grown men weep. ;-)
this elder asked me (a 25-year-old at the time, with my own place, not with mum and dad) if there was 'supervision' or 'elders' present... so i said to him 'no, i'm 25 years old, i am responsible for my own house and yes there will be an elder present. but that is a mate of mine and wanted to try my new cocktail recipe' and he went on and on about youngsters being there and 'large gatherings' and i repeated 'yes but i am 25 !! and not a youngster and there are only 30 -40 people coming, i had larger gatherings with my own congo, should i call you next time or can i give you the phone no of one of the elders in my own congr?' he also looked up a lot of info about pagan 'midsummer feasts' and i told him it was a 'play' and he looked at me with a blank look. the idiot probably never heard of shakespeare and just ignored that and kept going about scandinavian midsummer feasts etc and i explained over and over that it was a play by shakespeare and my friends would understand because they know my likes. what an idiot!
a few years later he divorced his wife and married the pioneer sister, so at least she got something out of it. lol