Welcome to the real world!FS
new to JWN
by Brad Wilson 41 Replies latest jw friends
Franklin Massey
Welcome, Brad. With your feet on solid ground and feeling that the WT can't harm you now, your input on this board will be much appreciated. Many of us, myself included, still have ties with the Org and have a hard time figuring out how to achieve a successful departure from the JWs without too much collateral damage.
Welcome to these parts.
Thanks for sharing Brad. I lost my daughter (still in) she is 65,my granddaughter 27,
They are obeying the Organization.Not to speak to me....Obediant to the end
So sorry your marriage desolved, find a new one that is FREE!!!!!As you are BRAD -
BRAD- Very nice to have you here with us ! It is hard at first to admit that the JW's are a mind control cult after we first exit- but the preponderance of evidence towards that conclusion becomes so clear - that it's indisputable in time. Hope things are going smoothly for you and your wife and we look forward to getting to know you more on the board ! Take care friend
BRAD- Sorry- didn't see your last post about your wife being now your ex-wife. ( As I hide my head in the sand feeling like a heel . Sorry bud. ) Hang in there, I hope things are going better for you now. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Welcome to JWN Brad.
Hi Brad...welcome!
Just a thought...if you are trying to fade w/o problem, you might want to consider a different screen name if the current one is actually your name. There is no question we have JW lurkers here and you could get outed. Fortunately, your name is a bit more common, so you might have some safety there. Just saying...
I use my real name on JWN too. It's so freeing to not be afraid!
Welcome Brad - So good to have you here.