The past few months we've welcomed a lot of newbies who have contributed a lot to this forum. Some quality discussions are taking place, the likes of which I haven't seen here for a while. In addition, many are taking action to expose the Watchtower Society for who they really are.
JWN is enjoying a renaissance!
by Mickey mouse 15 Replies latest jw friends
I have to say, I agree... it feels like the Society is being exposed like never before. Millions are now flooding from impure worship to the mountain of JWN. May it continue until the demise of the WT!
Mickey mouse
Millions are now flooding from impure worship to the mountain of JWN.
Nice faux WT speak JimmyPage
Raised a Jw and now awake to the real world, I find myself not to be a joiner. But my time so far at JWN has been eye-opening at how widespread are the experiences of those coming out, and at the same time curiously similar. Glad I'm here.
Long live JWN!
I'm not much of a joiner either but am definitely an active participant when the opportunity arises. Like FAL1914, I'm taken aback and pleasantly surprised at how widespread and in many respects, similar, our experiences are. And the information that is shared from all over the world is tremendously validating. It's a wild ride that I'm thoroughly enjoying.
jonathan dough
Actually, from a theological perspective it has become rather dull compared to 2-3 years ago. Contributions by Narkissos, Leolia, Scalam, IsaacAustin and others took it to another level.
LOL--Jonathan, I'm kind of feeling like chopped liver over here. Resurrect those threads so we can all benefit!!!! I am only familiar with Leolia, and I just love her comments---truly deep.
I remember when both my wife and I were fully 'away' from those people: by that time, we had both been lurkers here for a while. She asked me if I would ever start posting on here, openly. I told her no: I told her that I don't need to do that. I'm content to just be out and walk away from that machine. And, I can admit...there was some fear...both rational and irrational.
But over time, I had some many things I wanted to say, and it became like fiery coals raked into my stomach...uhm...or something.
Actually, over time I got boulder. A little wiser.
Anyone lurking, it feels like you could never make it out...let alone posting on an 'apostate site'!
You will! You will!
Your like is yours! Don't miss it. It's happening to you right now.
Don't worry about the 'future': it's only anxieties of the past, predicted.
You don't know. Don't worry. -
Truly we are seeing Jehovah's blessing as the work sees in increase in the time of the end of the WT! Is it not happifying brothers?
Then let us press on with joy, dear brothers, confident that we need not fear, for Jehovah 'the god of armies' will fight for us!