Once people have come in, and the doorman and the mic men are in place, why are there a few other suits scattered about at the back? I saw a guy get up, sit down, get up, sit down, get up and when I looked what he was up to he was reading the noticeboard and looking around, waiting for a bus. I figured he wasn't doing much at that point, but anything to not stay seated. Or do they have some specific duty? Other than ogling an attractive woman in the back row, that is. And is everyone else allowed to wander up the back when they feel like it?
What exactly are men at the back of the hall taking care of?
by howdidtihappen 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Don't you even THINK about leaving.....EVER!!!
still thinking
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.....They are making sure you listen to the Alien message.
Hilarious! No one stays in their seats less than the elders. They wander around, check the board, take a look outside, but the best part is the looks on their faces--serious men doing serious business!
Thats the reason I will not go to the KH as an unbeleiver
I used to enjoy the attendant responsibilities. I even wandered around the car park to ensure there were no kids around (you know the wordly ones who would vandalise our cars). I often forgot to take the count and would just make it up - HA HA!!
My guess is that the guys at the back secretly wish they were 1000 miles away from the KH, but feel they have to be there for family or to see fair play etc. After years or decades of hearing the same fairytales the boredom and frustration must be intense.
Little Imp
In our KH there would always be someone going up to another brother sitting and whisper in his ear. This would happen frequently.
Don't forget the mysterious elder notepassing..
LOL I was so envious. I so wanted to get up and walk around but didn't have the right plumbing.....