Is it important to be right?

by mankkeli 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • mankkeli

    Sometimes, I think, our western values have drilled in us the importance of "winning" a debate on something of non-importance.

    So is "winning" a debate really important?

  • tec

    No. Winning a debate doesn't make anyone right, anyway :)



  • soft+gentle

    I think winning a debate is important if the debate has to do with our core values then we are concerned about what is right.

    But even in debates that are not to do with core values debating to the bitter end reveals the other person's pov more fully and in time we may even come to see things as they do or at least to be able to sympathise with their perspective.

  • N.drew

    It is important to seek rightiousness. Along with that seek meekness. Zephanhiah 2:3. I think it means, it is important to be "right", but more important to be refusing to insist you are right. Have you never seen the threads that turn into a wonderful thing because some jackass said something so stupid, that someone else just had to fix it? The fix becomes a treasure, so can the jackass feel good about it? Of course! Jackasses welcome. That's why I stay!

  • TimothyT

    I feel being right is important. But if someone can reason with me that im not right then ill happily listen because i may learn something from then and then i may learn what is right in this certain aspect of discussion. I think the more important aspect of debating and discussing is not winning but learning and understanding. If both sides are open to this then I think its a worthwhile debate. If one side is closed minded and are completely wrong, i woudlnt even bother trying to win a debate against them.

  • Rocky_Girl

    The debates I enjoy the most are the ones where we both win. I consider it a win if I have competently articulated my argument and supported it with explanation. If the other person does as well, then s/he has won as well. No one has to change their view, just consider the argument from the opposite side.

    Sometimes, I think, our western values have drilled in us the importance of "winning" a debate on something of non-importance.

    Do you have a culture in mind that represents the opposite?

  • mankkeli

    Rocky_Girl- Not really, I just feel that it is much more important to grow and gain greater understanding than actually winning the debate. You can win a thousand debates/arguments and still be wrong, but if the goal is growth, then everybody wins.

  • mankkeli

    Rocky_Girl- Not really, I just feel that it is much more important to grow and gain greater understanding than actually winning the debate. You can win a thousand debates/arguments and still be wrong, but if the goal is growth, then everybody wins.

  • ShadesofGrey

    It is more important to be happy.

    Love to you, SOG

  • meangirl

    This as said by softngentle:

    "I think winning a debate is important if the debate has to do with our core values then we are concerned about what is right." That is how I feel.

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