Transcript of Annual Meeting Notes and events from unknown source

by itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • EmptyInside

    No,you're not the only one blondie,but I changed my browser and was able to see the posts.

    But,interesting notes,most Witnesses are just learning about the move out of Columbia Heights.

  • finallysomepride

    as one tears a young goat

    is this a common practise?

  • yesidid

    I noticed there were only 6 GB members mentioned.

    Where was Geoffery Jackson?

  • MrMonroe

    Sounds like a "best of" collection of the final talks from a District Convention. Why didn't they talk about the real issues affecting the society:

    • Increasingly high levels of membership churn;
    • The progressive revelation of their bullshit and deception via the internet and how it threatens their viability;
    • The rise in disrespect by the satanic worldly media that throws their own propaganda back in their faces;
    • Their growing financial crisis;
    • Their plans for stepping up the vitriol and rhetoric against those who leave; and
    • The infuriating delay of the United Nations to turn on religion so Jehovah can then do as he's told by the Governing Body.
  • itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat

    Post 7 of 7
    Since 9/12/2011

    How did you get my notes from the big meeting? That's exactly the notes I took!

    Answer: The internet moves in mysterious ways my friend. Thousands probably have the notes you sent to someone at some point a few days ago. When I got it, names and any identities had been removed, hence "unknown source"

  • itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat

    One thing that strikes me about the part at the beginning is the Euology for FDS members who are gone.

    OK maybe nice for the wives who were there. On the local level with the "RANK AND FILE" as they like to call

    particularly publishers and even to a degree Elders and MS's. Any type of Eulogy is off limits at a funeral. The

    funeral outline actually says "keep comments about the person limited to a minute or two, and no eulogy or

    anything like it. So, by the time you mention who they are, their family , how long in the borg, when baptized,

    that is it. I hate that. Even if you are against JWs, people that have lived full lives, been kind, and had an

    impact on "things"...people, business, artistic.....I mean if ever there was a time to give a person credit

    for something other than blind obedience. That would be the time....don't you think? I'm pissed!

  • TimothyT

    Thanks for taking the time to write these notes up. I admire your annotation skills.

    But i must say, i have just wasted about 10 minutes reading all that. Im bored now.

  • itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat

    dropoffyourkeylee takes credit for these. I just got them off the internet my friend.

  • sir82

    Interesting that the notes came from a poster here.

    Did they open the meeting with a "stern warning" that the meeting was not be recorded & distributed, and that any notes were not be posted on an "electronic network"?

    The big whoop-de-doo US "zone visit" for later this month has those "loving reminders" printed right on the entrance tickets.

    The first of the "zone visit" meetings will be on October 22. The meeting will end around 9 PM eastern time.

    How much you wanna bet notes and/or recordings will be posted on the satanic internet before October 23 dawns?

  • itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat

    I will bet nothing but watch it unfold, even as you say. hahah

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