I just checked, and it's available on DVD at netflix. So if you already have an account, there will be no extra cost. It's not available for streaming though
Cult Documentary on Sundance
by dontplaceliterature 23 Replies latest jw friends
Now the mealy-mouthed Pastor is claiming that HE told the parents that THEY were whipping their own children too hard!!!
Now, THIS is the point at which I start thinking about long-range rifles and scopes... And I HATE guns...
Oooooo, he's lying lying LYING through his rotten yellow teeth!!
What they need to do, is have someone go in, undercover, and film the abuses...
Well, now they're trying to get the poor CHILDREN to extract a confession from the nasty old man!! No luck, so far....
The survivors are gathering together whatever they own, and are moving out of the area. Tonya is calling on the pastor and his wife, the wife is heaping on the guilt again - using the "Alzheimers" excuse again...
These people make me thoroughly SICK!!!!!!
AAAAAND the pastor and his wife are NOW going to move on to EUROPE - to "heal"...
Guess they think they'll find new victims there...
The survivors are moving on without having been able to obtain ANY financial renumeration - that filthy, greedy bastar - pastor - OWNS ALL OF THEIR HOMES - they won't even be able to sell the homes that they BUILT WITH THEIR OWN HANDS!!!
Oh, and there's a final interview with the stinkin' pastor - he's positioning himself as the poor put-upon victim, again...
i just watched 'Join Us' and would recommend this doc to anyone. The similarities to our own experiences are striking, especially the members doubting their own questionings 'what if he is really right???' It's almost painful to watch.