Will JW buy the Society's UN Explanation?

by JT 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT


    Christian Congreation of Jehovah’s Witnesses

    April 1, 2002


    Recently a number of brothers have inquired about the Society’s decision to work with the UN. We were part of the NGO for the purpose of helping to secure the human rights of our bro overseas. The UN is "LIKE" the gov and just as Paul appealed to the gov for his human rights the FDS in behalf and concern for the suffering of our dear bro who are languishing in prison around the world for MERELY PROCLAIMING THE GOOD NEWS OF GOD'S KINGDOM.

    It was decided by the GB that as in bible times Jehovah has used many times his enemies even calling them “MY Servant” to deliver his people and so likewise in modern times (ANTI-TYPICAL )he has done the very same thing today.

    We have always accepted that these entities stand in their place due to Jah undeserved kindness allowing all of mankind time to come to the side of truth-

    The library card provided us the opportunity to see up front and close how the UN works thus allowing us to see and discern how Jah "MAY" maneuver things for the out working of his purpose so deep in the last days.

    We are so thankful for all the letters and calls that we received from our dear bro all around the would expressing a “SINCERE” desire to know more about this arrangement that the GB undertook-

    Since our goals and purposes have been reached as of Nov 1-2001 Jehovah no longer see a need for his organized people to continue working through this means to assist the brotherhood. Whatever plans that Jah have for us requires all of us to WAIT PAITETLY until he reveals his direction. In the mean time we encourage all t pay more than the uusall attention on their ministry as we help to spead the Good News of his kingdom

    May we all continue to have an active share in this most important work the Good News of the Kingdom.

    Your Brothers

    Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses

    April Fool's Day --what better day to send out the letter

    After reading more sites on High Control Groups and how their members long to hold onto any crumb falling from the table of Good Things

    I wonder how will the WT explanation play out in ref to the UN

    If history is any indicator it will play out well for the vast majority OF JW WILL FALL IN LINE

    TAKE an avg Hall with 135 pub maybe 2 or 3 may leave due to this being the straw that breaks the camel back IF THAT------

    The rest will be so glad to say to any family member who throws this up in their face by saying:


    Slave to clear up the matter while you have ran ahead and listening to them old Damn apostates smile

    WT has always and in my view WILL Always BE able to explain away anything that they do

    If the avg jw saw the GB Banging a sister in the second school--
    they would say he was merely testing the “Coochie”
    to see if it was fit for the kingdom

    You got to love HIGH CONTROL GROUPS


  • ianao
    If the avg jw saw the GB Banging a sister in the second school--
    they would say he was merely testing the “Coochie”
    to see if it was fit for the kingdom


  • Room 215
    Room 215


    Nice work.... of course it would fly!

  • zev


    Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
    ** http://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69 **

  • Elsewhere

    Hell yeah! They would buy it!

    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • belbab

    The letter does not feel like a letter from the Society, because of the vocabulary and writing style, check spelling and grammar. The thoughts though are good, they may think, now why didn't we think of that. Also, many are mistaken in what an NGO is and a DPI. An NGO, non governmental organization, can be any organization that is non government. An NGO, not an individual, can apply to the UN to be a DPI and participate in UN activities. Maybe others can explain this better than I can.


  • metatron

    Amazing how cheap the Society's prostitution is

    Ever heard of a whore going down - for a library card??


  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    belbab, I agree that the writing needs to be tighten a bit to meet WTS's harsh manner; otherwise it is right on.

    Yep, most if not all will buy it!

    Sam Beli

    I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and striving after wind. What is crooked cannot be straightened and what is lacking cannot be counted. Solomon

  • JT


    IT WAS A JOKE --O MY GOD-----------

    Some folks just don't get it

    did you not read the DATE APRIL 1, 2002

    What is todays date?


    but perhaps in your neck of the woods you don;t have april 1 like we do down here in the 'HOOD"

  • DakotaRed

    When someone is brainwashed into believing their very lives depend on an organization, they will believe anything they are told. Do you really see many current dubs speaking out about either the UN thing or even the pedophile scandal?

    Hopefully, many will see the light and come out of her before it is too late.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

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