Part 18: The Last Stand - My Brother's Gift

by Amazing 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Amazing

    Part 18: The Last Stand – My Brother’s Gift

    I had almost forgotten about my brother’s gift. The Amalgamated Wedding was now well over 2 years in the past. My brother Joe died in June of 1994. The Elders did not know he was deceased. He left a “gift” that he would not disclose, but assured me it would someday become clear to me what he had done. Now, I was about to find out.

    The Elders were at times unusually fearful of me. I understood the paranoia they develop toward ex-JWs as ‘Apostates – a frightful suspicious type of paranoia planted in them by the Watchtower Society. I understand that they did not appreciate my career, resented my measure of wealth, and were uncomfortable with my education. But I never could completely figure out just why they acted as they did with respect to me – after the wedding.

    My reporting the molester to the Sheriff was a major cause for their fear ... but that passed ... and yet their dread of me continued. One of my informants disclosed that I was even labeled the “Chief Apostate” of the region. A title that I believe is better given to other more capable and active former Jehovah’s Witnesses. Though now, I was about to be reminded of Joe’s “gift”, and how it would play out in this final saga with the JW Elders.

    Controlling Apostates: The anti-Apostate stand of the Society begin shortly after Ray Franz was Disfellowshipped in 1981. But the effects took time to be felt at the local level. There were some changes in Doctrine. The Kingdom “Service” monthly paper was changed back the Kingdom Ministry. This was no doubt done in rejection of the strong influence of former Watchtower leaders, like Ray Franz, who leaned toward “Service” instead of “Ministry.” The new Insight books replaced the Aid Book, another of Ray Franz’s great work products. Certainly this is why the “Gentile Times” discussion in the Aid book was revised in the Insight Volumes. After 1983 when Crisis of Conscience was published, the effective changes became even more noticeable. The softening toward Disfellowshipped people was now returning to its former days of rigid and harsh measures. The Society was in dead reversal to go back to Rutherford-ism.

    The New Enemy: Unlike Hippies, or the government, or false religion, or social issues such as drug abuse and teenage promiscuity, the Society had a new and bigger enemy – Apostates. The modern JW Apostate is no longer the quiet “wall-flower” who disappears into the woodwork – no, they are open, vocal, and have publishing tools – and now the Great Equalizer – The Internet. We could see this as JWs observing how the Society prepared us as far back as the mid-1980s.

    One of the things I recall that JWs were encouraged to do by the early 1990s were: 1. Consider divorce from an Apostate mate on grounds of “Spiritual Endangerment” – a new reason other than adultery to end a marriage, and 2. To get control of an Apostate’s “assets.” The idea behind this second goal was that an Apostate mate cannot be trusted, so the faithful JW partner must get control and own the assets. In the event of a divorce, the faithful JW mate would have much more leverage.

    Contrary to popular opinion, Community Property is not practiced by all states and is being replaced in many states by a law called “Tenants by the Entirety.” This means that each party in the marriage wholly owns 100% of all the assets. This makes it easier when one party dies to transfer assets to the surviving mate. This legal rule also means that each can come into the marriage with their own assets, or acquire additional assets of their own during the marriage, and leave the marriage with the same assets in tact. The longer the marriage, and the more that assets were commingled in some areas such as car ownership and bank accounts, the more likely equal division according to older Community Property standards will be used. Nevertheless, Oregon like other states has become a “Tenant’s by the Entirety” state ... and this means that a faithful JW could over time take control of assets in a way that could pose serious problems for the ex-JW mate.

    The Stage is Set: Earlier I mentioned that a Special Representative (SR) was sent into the territory to monitor the situation in the local congregation. I have no doubt that the Society was far more worried about extended, maybe even rampant “apostasy” than about any concerns I raised with them or the CO. A few years earlier, In a not too distant congregation, there was a large break-out of apostasy, and this became well known throughout the region.

    Note: I do not know for a fact that SR is actually appointed by the WTS to serve as a monitor in problematic congregations. That is rumor to me ... but, my informants up to this point had been reasonably reliable. SR could have been a higher profile Elder from another location that the Society simply asked to move in to the territory and keep an eye on things. Whatever the relationship SR had with the Society or local CO, it was clear that he was living there for more than the enjoyment of being in that part of the country. It also seemed obvious to me that the level of fear on the part of the Elders in dealing with SR that he was something more to them than just another JW Elder in town ... no, his presence had special significance.

    The SR advertised to the JWs that he was into buying and selling businesses and making other various investments. Many of his business activities took him to the people’s Republic of China and other nations. He acquired a good measure of wealth in his business activities. Shortly after he moved into the territory, he became very respected right away among the local JWs.

    Somehow, Brother K managed to allow his wife to convince him to invest with SR. They handed over all their “life savings” to SR. He promised orally that the investment would be safe and grow. It was out of state, but in the safe control of SR – in one of his investment schemes.

    Brother K did not get any “Prospectus” or have any statements other than oral assurances that his money was safe and growing. He was scared that his life savings would never be seen again. So after several months passed, he asked me what he might do – and here is what we did.

    The State of Oregon: I contacted the State offices that regulate Securities in Oregon. Each state, in addition to the USA Federal Securities Exchange Commission, has its own regulatory body and unique securities laws to enforce. When you partner people in an investment deal you must provide a “Prospectus” or other similar documentation and comply with other regulatory rules ... none of which SR had done. He was not known to the State of Oregon - and - the State was MOST INTERESTED in this SR and his practices. They advised me to have Brother K contact them because they cannot work with me unless I am an attorney for Brother K. I am not an attorney, so the most I could do was gather helpful and important information.

    The State of Oregon also advised me to have Brother K immediately retain his own attorney AND immediately contact the District Attorney in his County to file a complaint. This way, both civil and criminal charges can be filed against SR and the local Elders. This would allow discovery of assets in an effort to get Brother K’s money back and possibly lead to criminal sanctions against those responsible to taking Brother K'’ money.

    I did some investigating work and obtained documents on SR’s assets so that these could be seized. In addition, we obtained the necessary documentation on the Kingdom Hall real property so that this asset could be seized in the event that they were named as co-defendants with SR. The battle lines were drawn.

    Call to the District Attorney: Brother K was too scared and ashamed to call the DA. He was afraid that somehow his wife, a faithful JW, and the Elders would find out, and his money would really be lost forever. It was a substantial sum, though Brother K would not disclose to me the exact amount, I guessed from his comments that it was on or about the high 5 or low 6 figures. So, I agreed to call the DA and explain the situation. The plan was to have the DA call Brother K at a discreet time so that he could be assured of privacy. Then he could move quietly as he sought to protect his assets.

    The District Attorney was utterly fascinated: He appreciated the context of the situation and agreed to contact Brother K. He asked for my assistance so that in the event we needed to work through me at times, he could count on that ... and avoid compromising Brother K’s sensitive position. I gave the DA much of the basics from the documentation I has collected, and agreed to send him my full package. I asked the DA that if he calls Brother K’s home, and anyone but brother K answers to hang up, because it could harm his efforts. The DA agreed.

    The DA phones Brother K: When the DA called Brother K, he was unfortunately late in arriving home. Sister K was not there either. But somehow, perhaps by habit or not thinking, the DA left a phone recording. He mentioned that he got a call from Mr. Amazing, and that he was calling to discuss the matter. He left his name and phone number and ended the message. That is all that was said – but – it was enough.

    Sister K arrives home before Brother K ... and of course, you guessed it, she listens to the phone recording from the District Attorney! A loyal JW might conclude at this point that Jehovah’s angels were acting to pre-empt Brother K, a known Apostate, and was directing matters into the Elders wise hands. Sure enough – Sister K called the Elders and informed them of the call from the DA ... and she mentions that Mr. Amazing is involved in helping Brother K!

    The Tribal Elders beat their drums for an emergency meeting: The Elders all get together to discuss this situation. They had had interactions with me indirectly before ... and I managed to evade them ... such as giving help to new Bible Studies ... or to some who were leaving the religion ... and my nearly two year Stand-Off with my appeal to the Society’s Legal Dept. created consternation in them that only a person about to jump off of a cliff can fully understand. My report to the Sheriff likewise frightened them and created a level of anger in them that I have little doubt caused them to make sure I was Disassociated. Yet, in none of this could I really find a reason for them to act so scared.

    They had a very new problem now: Mr. Amazing and Brother K were both already Disassociated ... so any leverage they might have had was gone. We became like dead men who came back to haunt the living – but the living can only kill us once – and now we can no longer be manipulated and threatened.

    And, this time, it was not a matter of finding a way to remove us from their ranks – but a serious matter involving the civil authorities from the DA to the State of Oregon ... a very different matter ... one filled with extreme uncertainty and dreadful possibilities ... but then again ... there was one more factor to add to their extreme trepidation ... as this was proving to be an enema covered with concentrated Jalapena’ Sauce ...

    My Brother Joe’s Gift: During the Amalgamated Wedding, Joe got into a discussion with Elder G. He and Elder G appeared to be having an excited and maybe heated conversation, but short of an all out fight. It was something that Joe said and threatened that resulted in the Elder’s fears of me ... I must digress ...

    Joe was a surveillance spy in the military branch of the Army Security Agency. His agency provided information to the National Security Agency which reports to the National Security Council under the President. The ASA primarily provides military intelligence. His activities at times involved some rigorous events where people were shot. He was also a specialist in scaring the hell out of the opposition ... and he could do it with conviction. He scared me at times and I am his brother.

    Now let’s peak in one the Tribal Council:

    Elders meet with SR: SR had purchased a very nice home on a large parcel. He spent about $350,000 for this estate. At the time, in Oregon, a price tag in that amount in the area he bought meant enjoyment of very luxurious property. I checked the deed, and at the moment I do not recall seeing any mortgage amount recorded, which means he likely paid cash. Prices in Oregon have more than doubled since then, and so today, the same property would easily command $600,000 or more. He had a large stake, unmovable, and openly vulnerable to seizure unlike any liquid assets he might have out of state or off-shore.

    The Elders call this meeting to strongly urge SR, on no uncertain terms, that he must immediately get Brother K’s money back from any investments and pay it to Brother K. They were scared, and they reveal my brother’s gift to SR:

    The Gift: They tell SR that Mr. Amazing is involved with Brother K ... that Mr. Amazing knows the law and is a formidable opponent. They advise SR that the District Attorney is making calls, and that the State of Oregon is now involved and may join the DA. Further ...

    Mr. Amazing’s brother is a high profile attorney who works for a well-establish law firm. Mr. Amazing’s brother specializes in suing Jehovah’s Witnesses, the congregations, Elders, and the Society ... and he has a strong track record of winning. Mr. Amazing has contacted his brother and his brother will be stepping into this situation ... and this could prove a disaster for the Elders, the Congregation and the Society!

    Yes, my Brother Joe was so bold as to tell Elder G that he is a lawyer who sues JWs as his professional specialty. He was evidently so convincing that he scared the life out of Elder G ... and I suspect that Elder G’s earlier reference to continued threats that I would sue them may well have come from my brother making follow-up calls.

    The Irony: I do not condone what my brother did by posing as an attorney. I certainly did not receive any direct benefit from his little “gift.” But somehow the poetic justice in this ... the shear humorous lampoonery ... was just too good. The Elders did not know that my brother had already been deceased for nearly two years. They took his statements and embellished them to believe that I had contacted my brother – and that this was part of the events taking shape with the District Attorney and the State of Oregon.

    Needless to say ... Brother K got all his money paid back, with the promised return on his investment within a very short time.

    Knowing my brother as I do ... I have no doubts that he may have even threatened other harm to Elder G ... but I will never really know.

    But, I still sit back and think about how the Elders must have felt when they were informed about the DA’s call ... how their little white under-panties must have changed to some color of brown as their bowels emptied like a ruptured hydroelectric dam. They must have feared that they would be considered complicit by the authorities, otherwise, why take the extreme measures they did with SR. And SR himself must have likewise understood how all of his investment programs might come under scrutiny – how they would appear as scams to the State of Oregon. He must have thought about sitting in the big chair, next to the man clothed in a black satin robe --- while he spells the word – d-e-f-e-n-d-a-n-t! Perhaps this was mixed with visions of being in the Gray-Bar Hotel rooming with a 300 pound cell mate named Bubba who calls him ... Sweetie!

    Epilogue: Since that time, I have had no contact or any involvement with the local JW Elders or with any JWs except for brief encounters here and there. The last several years have been peaceful in that the JWs are truly gone from my life ... except for posting on forums.

    I never would have believed that when I first read Crisis of Conscience what would unfold over the following 6 years. I could not have believed this even if it were a fiction ... it was all too bizarre ... yet looking back ... each step ... each new development all made some kind of sense given the JW world of fantasy ... given the mystical and eccentric religion that they adhere to. My only shame is that I was ever part of this absurdity in the first place ... that I stayed so long ... and that I participated to some degree in the events that seem to never end.

    What is all this worth to me now? How do we assess the reason for our experience as JWs? What can we take with us that will prove useful to others so that we can leave this world a little better than we found it? My only thought is to act like “social antibiotics” and be there to help others exiting cults ... or better yet – preventing their entry in the first place ... maybe in some cosmic way it is our lot to help bring an end to the madness and be the contributing cause of the demise of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Maybe long after we become fertilizer, some future historians or mental health professionals will shower kind words on us for helping to expose the folly of mind-control. Who knows?

    Whatever we make of our JW experience I can honestly say, "It has been simply Amazing!


    1. Part 19: My Coming Out Party: When I reach my ten year mark on May 1st, 2002 I will post this final part - maybe. It will be the final step in my Exit ... that is ... disclosing my name and some or all of the players and congregations I mention. This part will require some additional thought.

    2. Informants: I cannot reveal these except one. Not long after this event with SR, Elder G was stricken with some illness that affected his brain functions. A number of JWs were asked to assist in his care in various shifts. One of these was my informant. Elder G violated Society instructions and kept the congregation JC files at his home. He further violated Society policy by keeping extensive notes, letters, and related documentation over many years ... at least ten years in Brother Ks case. My informant happen to see these files out on Elder G’s desk. My informant made notes and relayed these back to me. They corroborated things that only I knew ... and well, the rest is history. This particular informant eventually left Jehovah’s Witnesses. The rest are still involved with the religion in some way.

    3. The taped radio interview will have to wait until I can secure permission to release it. I have to check to see if KPDQ is still operating ... and find out if they sold their station, if the new station has the rights to the tape. If I can, I will send it off to someone like Randy Watters to publish.

    I hope you all enjoyed this series. And maybe in addition to any entertainment, there are some lessons for others going through their own unique exits from the Organization ... lessons and ideas that may help some know what “might” work ... and many more lessons in what will “not work.” I hope that in any case this contribution will be a good part of the overall amount of information readily available to help JWs to exit and former JWs move on with their lives. Thank you for reading through this. – The End.

  • Joyzabel

    WOW Amazing.

    Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and thoughts. You will never realize how much you have helped and are still helping others exit this mind control group.

    I especially liked your comments: "My only shame is that I was ever part of this absurdity in the first place ... that I stayed so long ... and that I participated to some degree in the events that seem to never end.

    What is all this worth to me now? How do we assess the reason for our experience as JWs? What can we take with us that will prove useful to others so that we can leave this world a little better than we found it? My only thought is to act like “social antibiotics” and be there to help others exiting cults ... or better yet – preventing their entry in the first place ..."

    My thoughts exactly.

    Again THANK YOU.


  • ashitaka

    Dude, thank you thank you thank you!!! It was wonderful and're brother sounds like me..LOL....I hope Bro K is doing well...yes?

    Well, thanks again for the series...perhaps DA'ing myself isn't the best alternative...


  • Angharad

    Thank you so much Amazing for sharing your story, I've enjoyed reading it so much. It will be very valuable to others who are in the process of leaving.

  • Calico_Cat

    Didn't you say that your brother looked like Mel Gibson? God, I love that guy and never miss any of his movies.

    You know, your brother might be even reading this saga and getting a kick out of it. Too funny. Thanks for the series, I really enjoyed them.

  • Amazing

    Hi Calico: Yes. My brother is almost an identical look-alike of Mel Gibson. My brother would be older than Mel. The latest movie about to be release with Mel in the military is where Mel's age has caught up to where my brother was at. I never miss Mel's movies.

    "You know, your brother might be even reading this saga and getting a kick out of it."
    My brother died in June 1994. But, if DSL - Internet reaches wherever he is at in the next life, I am sure he is reading it.
  • TR


    To say the least, this series has been extremely fascinating.

    Thanks- and I hope you publish your info in a book someday.


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • Dogpatch

    Very fascinating bro,
    Entertainment that will help many. :-))

    Net Soup!

  • conflicted

    Amazing - All I can say is thank you. Your experience was quite engaging, I couldn't wait for each subsequent episode.

    Again, thank you for sharing.

    life is the opportunity for art

  • mikepence

    Great stuff!

    Also, a reminder that this series is appearing, one part per day, on Tell a friend!


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