I like the idea of the multiverse.
Why is there something rather than nothing?
by mankkeli 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Sinis, I mostly agree with your answer.
but really, I just don't care ... I'm here.... now ... in the present ...
We are in our infancy of understanding whether the physical universe has always existed or not and how it came to be what it is.
Adding God to the equation doesn't answer a single thing in the questions posed. If we say that God exists, do we know what "His" cause was or whether "He" always existed? Why does God exist and how/why did God come to be in the first place?
Those questions are just as unanswerable. Oh, you can give your opinions and philosophies, but they are no more valid than the scientific answers to the same questions about matter, energy, the universe.
In the following, the capitalized answers are just my opinion. Feel free to object and put your thoughts there, but it changes nothing but opinions:
Could the universe exist without a reason? YES. Does it? PROBABLY.
Has the universe always existed? DEFINE "UNIVERSE." DEFINE "ALWAYS."
Was matter and/or energy created from nonexistence by natural methods or any other methods? WE DON'T KNOW.
Was matter and/or energy always in existence. WE DON'T KNOW.There are no easy answers at this time. But the same for God.
Could "God" exist without a reason? PROBABLY NOT. Does God exist without a reason? PROBABLY NOT.
Has the God always existed? NO, BUT DEFINE "GOD." DEFINE "ALWAYS."
Assuming God exists (big assumption), was God created from nonexistence by natural methods or any other methods? WE DON'T KNOW.
Assuming God exists (big assumption), was God always in existence? WE DON'T KNOW.It is certainly easy to skip the part we do know: The Bible is the work of men. The monotheistic Gods worshipped simply do not exist. If some God exists and wants you to know the answers, that God will contact you. If it's only you that God contacts, there is no reason for others to accept such contact.
We all have opinions and the universe itself couldn't care less !
Needing a reason is a peculiarly human trait. What is, simply is. No justification or purpose is required. There can never be a purpose or an ultimate goal for the universe. It unfolds as it unfolds and may well cease to exist trillions of years from now(measured in earth time) There may have been previous universes and others yet to come.
The universe itself has no concept of time or reaching a conclusion. It exists because it is. The past has gone and the future will be the present the moment it exists. The only reality is the present.
I know this is deep for a gladiator - but I have had 2000 years to think it through!
PSac. you said:
We all have opinions and the universe itself couldn't care less !
still thinking
The universe itself has no concept of time or reaching a conclusion. It exists because it is.
I had to laugh at that Gladiator...It just sounded so much like....."God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.'"