Hi Shelby.
Greetings, dear EP... and the greatest of love and peace to you!
I only referenced your thread so people didn't think I was just now seeing it.
Thank you for clearing that up, dear one!
I wasn't really going back to the original question, I just learned something that I felt was a common misunderstanding and wanted to share.
I kind of understood that but, again, you made a comment that I felt prompted comment from me. My apologies if it was inappropriate here.
Since you asked your question again, I will attempt to answer it.
Thank you (I think - LOLOLOL!)!
Truth has many frames of reference.
Yes, I understand that... which is why I tried to give the frame of reference I was referring to. In the previous post and here...
It is true I am not hungry. It is also true that I will be. That truth changes over time and with circumstances. That is a subjective truth. What it true for me has no bearing whatsoever on that truth for other people.
Some truths depend on perspective and are more opinion than anything else. Some people think that because I work for a huge multinational I have sold out and am part of the problem with corporations and lobbyists and whatnot. They think that is true. I think that, given what I due, there is a very small field of places to work and whether I work here or not has no bearing on corporate law.
Some truths are true for everyone. Gravity, for instance.
So, where does science fit into this mix? Nowhere. Absolutely nowhere. Science doesn't seek truths, it seeks refinment, to learn more, better theories that fit more evidence. That's it.
That might be, dear one... but that's not how many PRESENT it. Rather, much is stated as "truth". For example, "nothing travels faster than the speed of light." IS that TRUE, though? Now, you may ask, "Okay, so what, it's just a rhetorical statement; there ARE some things that travel faster, but nothing that truly matters," or some such thing. I get that. However, because truth has become so important to me (as a result of being lied TO such that I lived somewhat of a lie for so many years... and lied to others!)... it matters. To ME. And, like every other person on this board, I asked a question regarding something that matters... to ME.
It doesn't seek absolute truth, it seeks to sort out what explains the past and present and can predict the future. As we learn more, science is applied and knowledge and theories refined.
Yes! I get that! However, it seems to ME that many proponents of "science" (and I use that word loosely)... DON'T get this, but instead view science as the absolute! EVEN though science often seeks to DISPROVE its own theories!
Where does religion or faith fit into the mix? Subjective truth only.
But, see, dear one... that, IMHO, is only your OPINION.
They are only true because people believe it subjectively.
But that is not always the case. I don't believe, subjectively, for instance... that Israel exodused from Egypt. I also don't believe it because I read about it in the Bible. I believe it... because I saw it (and heard it... and smelled it!).
It has, many times been falsified.
Religion, perhaps. But as to faith, please, give me an example...
For instance, the voice you hear has told you many things about me that turned out to be incorrect.
I must disagree, dear one. He told me one thing... and that thing is VERY accurate. C'mon, dear EP...
It got the past wrong.
You must refresh my memory. Truly, I don't recall what "past" you're referring to. I am not trying to be evasive, truly - I simply don't keep track of all that I am told about others. With good reason: so that I don't judge. I hear... and so what? I have my own "stuff" to deal with, so why hang onto someone else's?
It won't tell you what color and style shirt I am wearing.
Because the color and style of your shirt is of absolutely no importance, no matter whatsoever. It would be like me contacting the developers of "Watson" and saying, "Hey, look, I don't believe your supercomputer is really all that! It is? Well, then, ask it what color and style dress I'm wearing." The developers would absolutely dismiss such a frivolous request... if not hang up on me altogether. If we would give man much more regard than to ask such a silly, insignificant thing... why not the Holy One of Israel, dear one? Seriously, do you not see the reasonableness in that?
It cannot explain the present.
Explain what as to the present? I have not asked him for any explanation. Have you? If so, (1) in what regard, (2) HOW did you ask, and (3) WHO did you ask?
I have never heard you say it was uttering predictions that could be understood without some vague interpretation, so it's not predicting the future.
All of what I have been given by him to share here have been very solid explanations OF things previously predicted... as well as things that took place in the past. Even so, predicting the future involves prophesying... which is a gift of the spirit. I do not possess such gift, however... nor have I ever claimed to. So why would you even expect such from me... or from him THROUGH me? In addition, what is so special about "predictions"? I mean, might WANT to know the/your future... but that doesn't mean you are ENTITLED to do so.
It's not science by any stretch and any comparison is false and invalid.
But dear one, I have never said it was science... by any stretch. You (and others), however, accept nothing BUT science, as the remainder of your comment suggests. If, then, science (i.e., testing a theory in a manner so as to produce an EMPIRICAL result) is the ONLY way that you will accept, how is it ME who is limiting YOU? YOU are placing the limitation... not only on the results, but on the test itself. Yes?
Others hear voices they claim is god speaking to them and he says totally different things to them.
Does not the same thing occur in science, though? This very topic, for example: some say Einstein's theory is sound. Some say maybe not. Some say the recent experiment showed that something CAN travel faster than light. Some say the experiment was flawed in some way. Yet, do you/science completely abandon the theory?? Do you do so because simply because some SAY it cannot be? In the same way, the things I share... versus the things others "say": If YOU do not test it out FOR YOURSELF... how can you SAY that I am "like" them... that because what THEY say is false... what I share is false, as well? Yet, when I invite you to do so... what? Nothing.
I mean, it's not like you test it and nothing happens. You DON'T test it... yet cry "Nothing WILL happen!" Isn't that like the religionist who won't even READ about a "scientific" result, because they "already KNOW" it isn't true/can't be/won't work/didn't happen?
It's not something that is true for everyone.
No... but it is something that CAN be true for everyone. Just like proving a scientific theory: so long as the person trying to prove follows the instructions for conducting the test... properly... the results SHOULD be the same. No matter who does the test. Yes? But... when I share the instructions... how it is that one can hear/see... by means of Who it is that one must go THROUGH... oh, uh, oops... uh-uh... "lab over." No testing being done in THIS lab today! Yet, the would-be testers cry out, "It won't/can't/didn't work!"
Indeed, it seems to be very different for almost everyone.
For those who don't conduct the test properly, yes. Such ones [claim to] get all KINDS of "results." Virtually none of them credible. But isn't that what happens in science, also? If the test is, say, 3 x 8 x 4 = (and I am being elementary, here)... yet, folks are DOING 3 x 12 x 3... or 9 x 3 x 4... or 1.38 x 2.9 x 3.0... then NONE of the results are going to be equal to the result of 3 x 8 x 4... are they? If folks test they're OWN way... rather than the way the test was DESIGNED to take place... can you fault the Designer OF the test (and founder of the results)?
At BEST it is a subjective truth completely and utterly unfasifiable, IOW, no way to test whether or not it is true in an objective sense.
I must disagree, dear one. Vehemently. But I cannot prove that you are wrong... if you refuse to conduct the test. To even consider conducting the test. And you can't prove me wrong, either. What's funny, though... funny as in "interesting"... is you only SAY it's "completely and utterly unfalsifiable"... because you refuse to test it!
So, what is truth? It's lots of things. It depends on the context and subject under discussion.
Which, again, I tried to state... both in the previous thread and here: what is truth, meaning WHEN does it become truth? When it truly IS... whether we know about it or not... or only once we "discover"... or consider... it [to be true].
Again, thank you for indulging me, here. As I've stated, my thinking is different (a bit to quite a bit) from many... and I was/am only trying to understand how others think on this matter. My apologies for the deviation... and I will refrain from further comment/response so that the thread can stay on topic, if you wish.
Again, peace to you!
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,