Governing Body Sheep Fleecing - Official!

by The Searcher 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oubliette

    Splash: [The] July 2013 WT changes when it was shown that the F&DS have not yet been appointed over all Christs belongings, meaning that the KHalls did not, in fact, belong to the GB as previously taught. As a result, maybe some congregations thought the KHalls now belonged to them.

    It would be a mistake to confuse "theological" concepts with legal realities.

    You can be sure that whoever is running this religion does not.

  • WTWizard

    Maybe it would be wise for more people to quit supporting these damnation buildings. They would have been smart to discontinue supporting the whole thing as soon as they heard about this arrangement, pledging zero or a negative amount when hounded (and, if they are pushed, telling the hounders that they are getting zero or a negative amount because they are put on the spot to please the hounders). Instead, start using the money they would have donated preparing for the coming hyperinflation. Buying durable goods, silver and gold, and fixing things that are needing repairs while those notes still can be exchanged for these items would have helped.

    With Neptune bearing down on 9 Pisces, I am expecting the dollar to become toilet paper anyways. The first window begins April 18, and it is a good idea to prepare for April 18 and look at any delay as a chance to get some bonus silver or gold. The good part of this is that it going to stop the washtowel from owning any of these buildings or maintaining them. People will not be able to donate anything if they don't have anything to donate. And the washtowel is going to take a bath when the value of the property tumbles--not just in silver, but even in toilet papers. This type of real estate loses value quickly in a financial crash.

    Now, if someone else is going to own the building, have fun trying to get me to donate anything toward it. And have fun getting me to give up my silver to pay for that crap.

  • Finkelstein

    Watchtower July 15th 2015 p.31 - "A Kingdom Hall is a building dedicated to Jehovah. Therefore, it cannot rightly be said to belong to any individual or congregation,whatever its legal title may indicate."

    The imposition of guilt and fear as to who should legally own the properties and buildings (KH) should be Jehovah's Watchtower Publishing house.

    The WTS wants these properties obviously for their own financial value toward the organization. It is quite clear that in recent years the WTS has focused much more on real estate transactions than any time in its entire history, as a financial based income.

    I'm sure the recent sell off of the organization's properties in Brooklyn New York to a tune of billion dollars has cultivated a portion of this monetary enlightenment.

    The sell off of many of the Branches around the world is another indication of that acknowledgment.

    I think this statement in the July 15 version of the WT. is once again to purposely instigate and influence any Kingdom Halls who haven't yet transferred over the Title property deed over to the WTS , should do so as a devotional appeasement to Jehovah as it were.

    The recently added Kingdom Renovation monetary arrangement, which each congregation are forced to pay, adds to the assertion that the WTS wants all the Kingdom Halls in their position and well kept up for their financial value $$$.

  • DesirousOfChange
    That is gonna come back to haunt them next time they try to claim that congregations are not under their control or their responsibility. It also shows in writing that they hold the legal system in contempt.

    They really are idiots this lot.

    They are masters at "speaking out of both sides of their mouth". and have been making opposing statements for quite some time now concerning the control/ownership of individual Congregations:

    1) Saying every Cong is autonomous and self-governed and thus the WTS is not responsible for the actions of any person in the Cong -- Elder/MS/Pioneer/Publisher -- doesn't matter, as WTS claims each Cong is an independent entity. All this to try and distance themselves from any financial liability in the pedophile lawsuits.

    2) Claiming in Menlo Park, CA and Bonham, TX that the Congs were under their control and that they (WTS) had ownership or legal claim to all their real estate.

    These are total contradictions. It's the same argument the Catholic Church has used in saying every diocese is independent and the Vatican has no responsibility (read: liability) in the abuse lawsuits. Yet when they want the expensive church assets they claim the opposite (see story).

    Catholic Church dispute with local church members over ownership/control of church

    Perhaps WTS decided that all the Real Estate ownership was much more valuable than any costs for liability they might save by trying to stick with the autonomous status. After all, they've been settling abuse lawsuits for over a decade at the cost of million$ of dollar$, and the 2 cases that have gone to court recently (Conti & Lopez) have resulted in multi-million dollar judgements against WTS anyway. No judge or jury seemed to see any autonomy.


  • Watchtower-Free
  • millie210

    So in reading all the above thoughts I see a common question.

    Who financially benifits if the physical property is sold?

    That is the answer to the question who owns it?

    As to DOC's comment, I bet they got their idea FROM the Catholic know, the one they find so appalling.

  • Oubliette

    Guys, you're confusing legal ownership of property with personal liability for the actions of individuals using the property.

    It looks to me like the WTBTS is setting things up so that there is more of a landlord/renter relationship between each branch and each individual congregation.

    Let's review: Oh, you know how it goes!

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    So then if no one owns the Kingdum Hall and it is sold, the money should go to Jehovah.
  • DesirousOfChange
    So then if no one owns the Kingdum Hall and it is sold, the money should go to Jehovah.

    WP, I think you're trying to be cynical, but I truthfully believe that is the EXACT statement that would be publicly argued to defend sending the money to the WTS.

  • Oubliette

    DOC: WP, I think you're trying to be cynical, but I truthfully believe that is the EXACT statement that would be publicly argued to defend sending the money to the WTS.

    Jehovah = The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

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