well i had to take a few days off and came back to find nice responses here as usual....
but when i got to page two and read INTELS post....
I decided we should closme MY thread and all of us send our meds to him ASAP!!!!! good god if there was one man.....do ANYTHING but but back in time...that is not growing or learning from your mistakes or nuttin!!!! you need to live in REALITY and accept what i have...that even if you were madly in love with your wife...and i am not either....it is just impossible to have any kind of healthy or normal marriage with TOTALLY SEPARATE SOCIAL LIVES!!!!!!
i loved her enough to make it work or at least really try as long as i had a chance at some inkling of normalacy....it might have been enough...but that is totally gone once they announce from the ol platform you are indeed mentally diseased...lmao!...talk about shooting HER in the foot...and she and my then jw son and my folks and others had a VERY hard time with what they percieved as abuse in my case...but they just went by their elder handbook i told her...so lighten up on them!!...hahaha......so i wonder what she will think about them when she is working for very very little money for the next 25 years maybe if she can even get a job....
and i have been married to this jw wife number two for 15 years coming up...just like my first one! and my boys are from my first wife...still a die hard jw that works for me full time...ya just shoot me!!!!....we do not work side by side or even on the same floor....but i sure as heck aint having two exwives work for me!!!!!!
and i was separated from her for one year until last november when she took me in from the hospital after my severe motorcycle crash and nursed me back to heath this far....and i did not ask her to and am grateful she did but as my therapists said, she befefited from that action too and did not have to work another year and was obviously hoping i would prob be "smothered in love and come back in"....instead i had evil men calling me up wanting to interrogate me about my medical treatment while i still had a feeding tube in and trach tube in my throat....and i would cuss them out again if they called me again like that!!!!
cussing out elders is actually very empowering and theraputic me thinks....and it kinda does send a message that you no longer want to be known as one of jehovahs witnesses....and i feel good and proud of that now...and yep...they cant hurt me anymore.......oomps