She prayed for me.... and I spent the afternoon puking my guts out

by Scully 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Violia


    I get those headaches too and whether mine or migraine or cluster ( I've had both)- I use Imitrex nasal spray and usually it works for migraine. Narcotics/ibuprofen/cold towels, etc help the cluster. Except my last one which I think was due to too much estrogen being absorbed too quickly. I have one or two zofran for Nausea (that will allow a pill), but I also have the suppositories if N/V are just really bad. I hate the light sensitivity and even a brush of air on my skin hurts. even moderate sounds feel like the entire room is vibrating. I feel dizzy and end up laying in bed, afraid to move. I get hot and cold sweats and sometimes I have auras before the bad ones. someof these auras have incluced hearing voices or seeing things that are not there. I once had an atypical migraine and for a solid minute could not understand spoken English. the words meant nothing, it might as well been in Greek. I once arrived at work with this weird aura and knew something serious was happening( thinking stroke) I called my neuro and he said atypical migraine . I did not get a headache but did vomit for about sometime, off and on.

    I seldom get them now unless I am under profound stress or my estrogen is out of balance.

    I never turn down prayers b/c I need all the help I can get.

  • StoneWall

    HOLY SHE-IT Scully!

    Who the hell was she praying to? Satan,Baal or maybe Mephisto?

    hmmmm come to think of it...ask her if she takes requests for prayers.

    There's a couple brothers from my old hall I'd like her to pray for and hopefully with the same results.

  • Iamallcool

    StoneWall, be careful what you wish for, you might get the same thing.

  • i_drank_the_wine

    Mulder would say that this is simply a coincidence, no conspiracy here :-)

    Jokes aside, that's a terrible coincidence. Feel better!

  • WTWizard

    And that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag probably thinks of causing you to suffer (and lose productive time) a "blessing". Give up your life, and live a miserable existence as his slave, so he can forget you and do everything you don't want done. I think of Jehovah's driving the opposite sex out of my life and making me unappealing to all of them as being in the same category--I no longer have any positive feelings toward God, whether called God, Jehovah, or Allah. Baghead and Almighty Lowlife Scumbag are both better terms--more accurate.

    And Jehovah wonders why I equate Jesus with Satan--both sought to liberate mankind from Jehovah, and neither succeeded permanently.

  • Intel

    Tell her to pray for the Governing Body in Brooklyn...

  • MsDucky

    Sorry to hear that you got the migraine and all the crappy, sucky stuff that goes with it. They're no fun. I hope that you're feeling better now.

  • Finally-Free

    Lesson learned. Never do favours for people. Then they won't pray for you.


  • Lore

    That was actually a demon exiting your body.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I'm so sorry to hear that the headache hit you like that. I haven't had cluster headaches, but I know migraines. I think being assertive when it's important is a good thing. I don't have a problem with people praying for me, but some people can be overbearing with it, which does bother me and make me feel uncomfortable.

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