Of course if you're on the panel of elders reconvening after you've filed your DA letter eloquently denouncing the whole sham and posting dozens of youtube videos which have been remixed all over the place, what are you to do when faced with a sound of mind, rational professedly sincere ex-elder-bethelite-pioneer person who says ...
"I've reconsidered, and I realize how very wrong I was....I simply don't know what got into me. Perhaps it was college, perhaps it was my research on the history of blood in medicine and all that "knowledge stuff". Yes, yes!... I really believe all that I said I didn't believe in great and studious detail. Oh, and all the money I made on the sales of those books denouncing the organization I do herewith resolve to donate to the furtherance of the good news...So you let me know when I can get back in. I am so looking forward to the ministry. *sigh* I've missed that most of all. "
You're the elders. The man has a perfect record of attendance at the meetings, he's well dressed and oh so polite.
How long will you wait?
Wait too long and "the friends" will wonder what's wrong with you heartless pharisees.
But HOW can you be certain if EVER, that this clever b*stard is really sincere?