Now now FSP, you did not respond to my post within the designated five minutes. NO MONEY FOR YOU!
I'm growing a beard
by MrFreeze 23 Replies latest jw friends
I grew one on vacation and when I came back I decided to keep it. It was beyond "unshaven" and well into "bearded". I hadn't heard of the beard ban, as I was pretty new in the JWs. It took me by surprise when people started giving me a hard time about it. They (elders included) were like grade-school children, calling names and teasing. Then, when I ended up in the back room over it, I was shocked. Some article from 1968 was shoved in my face. I told them then I didn't care about any magazine articles, but if they could show me something from the Bible that banned beards I'd shave it off as soon as I got home. They started stumbling around about "Christian standards" and "stumbling". I assured them if anyone's meeting attendance, preaching hours, or relationship with God was affected, I'd shave it off immediately.
Of course, some of the bored, nosy, old bitties had been bitching about it, since they'd been brainwashed to believe there's something wrong with beards. The elders told me some "sisters" had been stumbled by my beard. I laughed at that ridiculous remark. I attempted to explain the difference between "stumbled" and "incensed" and reminded them how "stumbled" the Pharisees were by Jesus and his followers not washing their hands to the elbow. I even went so far as to ask why anyone would care whether someone washed their hands to the elbow or not. They agreed it was because the tyrannical religious leaders had told the people it should offend them. I then explained that's the only reason the "sisters" were upset about my beard, and if the Society hadn't told them to be upset, then they wouldn't be. I went on to stand by Jesus's example as evidence that extra-Biblical, man-made rules were not mandatory and - in fact - rejected the reasonable and simple standards of God.
"We must obey God as ruler rather than men." Funny how this doesn't apply to 7 old men in NY and janitors in polyester suits.
I can't grow a beard or even a mustache for that matter. Too much Native American in me!
That's not bad sab. Just means you don't have to shave as often.
As for me, I'm actually surprised it doesn't look like this:
Now now FSP, you did not respond to my post within the designated five minutes. NO MONEY FOR YOU!
yes I did, I put it on my avatar
have a shave you unkept apostate
I wore a beard from 1975 till 1988, whilst serving as a MS and giving P/talks, even away ones.
Nobody said anything about it till they wanted to use me on a C.A , then I had to shave it off or not be used, as it was not any great shakes to me, I shaved it off, intending to grow it back sometime. I haven't been allowed to by my wife since the grey started coming through, she hates grey beards.
I just love Wontleaves reasoning on the matter, take note those of you still "in", his reasoning can be applied to a lot of the control, and can take their power away.
Especially it is good to call them on the old "stumbling" rubbish, are they honestly telling you that someone will give up being a JW because a guy wears abeard or a sis. wears slacks ??
If it is not enough of an issue to stop them being a JW, they are not "stumbled".
I have never understood why beards are so considered so 'bad' - even though Jesus had a beard!?
Yes FSP, but you did not respons by posting, as was clearly stated in my post. Changing your avatar is not posting, you silly monkey.
My mom hates beards so next time she sees me (which because she tries not to probably won't be for a bit) she should get a nice surprise.
ok i give in.
i shave about once month, about when the bad itch starts lol
@wontleave and wobble
if anyone is shown a wt article in the back room by the eldersees putting down beards it would be good to ask them if we are followers of christ or followers of men. obviously they will reply followers of christ. grab the "bound volume" and show them the pictures of jesus, paul, john etc.
from memory the 68wt was a QFR printed right in the "hippy" movement and after the summer of love. long hair and beards was part of that sub culture, which had a love not war slogan.
was jesus a hippie?