When Did You Stop Saying Amen

by BroMac 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • BroMac

    for prayers from the platform.

    I've "said my own" for a few years now if i find i cant agree with what the brother is praying about. I'm constantly amazed by the same old repetitive ramblings and just nonsense that some brothers feel is an acceptable way to pray for a congregation.

    once i've finished saying my own i'll listen again to what they are going on about, and round and round they go. the worse ones are those who can hardly speak english and I cant understand a word thats said apart from the "...feffull slive... bless bruders sis not here..." blah blah.

    and everyone has gone through the public talk prayer. 5mins is along time to be stood with your eyes closed. even Jehovah's bored waiting.

  • agent zero
    agent zero

    the meetings open and close with prayer to give them a semblence of holiness. in reality they don't affect anything- if there were no prayer, the meeting would still be conducted in exactly the same way. those in attendence would still pay the same level of attention. "encouraging" comments would still be equally appreciated by those that view them as encouraging. those who missed the meeting because they're sick would still get better after resting at home.

  • blondie

    I never said them audibly any way, no lips moving, no bowed head. At times I did not even stand when my physical ailments prevented it. I would say my own silently. Never amen when certain men prayed, such hypocrites.

  • LongHairGal


    I stopped saying "amen" out loud and to myself at the end of a public prayer during the last few years I was active in the religion. Once my eyes were opened to all the lies and deception, I became more critical and certainly was not going to say "amen" to anybody's words. Everybody remember that "amen" means to approve or ratify somebody else's words. Just what was I approving?

  • Sapphy

    Couldn't say Amen to the 'Thankyou for the FDS who provide for us blah blah' prayers while I was first learning TTATT.

    The prayers that always annoyed me were the 'let's recap the whole meeting prayers'

    For any lurkers who are doubting what the org is about, just take note of how many times Jehovah is thanked for the faithful & discrete slave versus how many times he is thanked for Jesus' sacrifice.

  • mouthy

    To their prayers???>>>1987

  • NomadSoul

    Hard to recall, but I'm pretty sure I did it all the time out of habit.

  • Quendi

    I stopped during my last year of attempting to get reinstated. I also found that I could no longer sing the Kingdom Songs. I realized that I couldn't agree with the lyrics or the sentiments they expressed. As for the prayers, I had come to the conclusion that the entire religion was a sham and certainly not worth my time and effort. It was n't long after I stopped saying "Amen" and singing Kingdom Songs that I stopped going to meetings all together and ended my pursuit of reinstatement.


  • WontLeave

    Case-by-case. When they say stupid crap about thanking God for the 7 geezers in NY - or something equally retarded - I shut down. At that point, I lift my head, open my eyes, and hope I'm being watched.

    Side note: "Amen" is a transliteration which means "so be it"; so if we're praying in English, why don't we just say "so be it" or some other English agreement? Maybe "ditto" or "right on!"

  • wobble

    I can't remember exactly when I stopped , it was for sure before I actually left for good, 'coz I was sure they were not praying with knowledge of truth.

    The thing that amazed me was the number of them that followed a script of what they had heard others say, now remember, they were copying a spiritual retard, could they not see this ? I think it sprang from a fear that they would be criticised if they said anything innovative.

    The worst ones were when the guy went over the programme again "Fank yoo Jehoober for Bro Retards talk on why oral sex is not approved by you, and Sister Dementeds demonstration of how to alienate the public ......"

    As if Big J hadn't been listening to the "spiritual food" he is supposed to have provided.

    I always prayed from the heart as if talking to a god who was real, he was to me then, these men from the spiritual desert did not really believe god was listening, the one and only thing they were actually right about.

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