Marry Only in the Lord

by compound complex 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • dgp

    I quit: I beg you to notice that the reason religions give NOT to marry out are not usually those of believing the same way they do. Quite often they claim that whoever marries out is exposing him or herself to the bad influence of the outside world. It's not a matter of what you believe; it's more a matter of who you are, or, more correctly, who you are not.

    I'm sure you're honest in giving this opinion. That is, you do believe that being similar with your spouse helps the marriage, and that is as far as you would go. I believe that, just for the sake of clarity, we should be aware that not everyone thinks like you do, but many will say they do, in order to hide their true motives for avoiding "bad association".

    If you are or were a Jehovah's witness, you know the reasons why worldlies are to be avoided. Here are some:

    The Watchtower, September 15, 2009:

    “Recently, a workmate who is not a Witness unexpectedly proposed to me,” stated Ana, a single sister in her 30’s. “In a way I felt flattered, but I quickly suppressed that feeling because I want to marry only someone who will draw me closer to Jehovah.”

    The Watchtower, January 15, 2010:

    3 “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens,” said Jesus, “but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.” (Matt. 7:21) Yes, it is not the professing of Christianity that pleases Jehovah but the practicing of it. For Christ’s true followers, that involves their whole way of life, including their attitude toward money, secular work, entertainment, worldly customs and celebrations, and marriage and other relationships with fellow humans. False Christians, however, adopt the thinking and ways of the world, which have become increasingly ungodly during these last days.—Ps. 92:7.

  • Dagney

    One of the biggest regrets of my life this.

    I just joined Weight Watchers a few weeks ago, and the instructor is a JW from my old hall. She's a young lady I've known since she was an infant. I wasn't sure how she was going to treat me since I stopped attending meetings, but she was warm and friendly. She told me she still attends, but married a nonJW. In doing that she said she has lost most of her JW friends, and she doesn't fit in with the couples in the hall. When I told her I was not going to meetings, she asked, "are you happy?" I thought that was sweet. Anyway, I plan on commending her on her courage in marrying who she loved. I'm going to tell her I was not that brave.

    Touching poem, Monsieur le CoCo.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Dagney:

    It is your post that is touching!

    Thank you so much,

    Monsieur le CoCo [my latest photo]

  • BabaYaga

    Beautiful and very sad, Dearest CoCo.

    I just thought I'd pop in and say "hi!"

    Love to you!

  • NewChapter

    I've seen this happen so many times---usually a woman marrying someone that has nothing to offer her, because choices for women are more limited than for men. I have been just baffled to see educated women with style and grace marrying dull men with bad grammar. Not that this can't be true love, but I just never picked up that vibe.

    Then the next time you see her, she is submissive to him, and it's crazy! She is clearly more capable of taking the lead than the loser she married, but she travels down the stupid path right behind him.

    This is not an anti-man comment. The reverse would also be true if Men's choices were as limited as JW women's.


  • PaintedToeNail

    CoCo-very sad and touching, my heart aches for you.

    NoRoomForGeorge-I've asked that same question, Paul himself said it was his opinion. The answer I got was that because it was in the bible, it was inspired by God, so Jehovah must agree with it. (???)


  • MrDarkKnight

    It works in reverse too. I married a trophy wife, a JW pioneer sister. I wanted to be a Circuit Overseer and sje was from a prominent four generation witness family. She initially had the same goals I did. Mistake!

    We are going through divorce now and I could not be happier!

  • flying under the radar
    flying under the radar

    Peronsonally I find it more strange that as a witness you're supposed to invite the unbeliving mate and associate with them (in order to win them over, but you're not supposed to associate with other "worldly" people....

  • cantleave

    CoCo - Poignant words. We have all seen this in the congregations. We have also witnessed the public humiliation when someone chooses to find their soul-mate out side of the micro-culture that is JWdom.

  • notjustyet

    Sometimes I think that the "Marry only in the Lord" was for the benefit of the unbeliever.

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