What if a Bible movie . . .

by NewChapter 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewChapter

    . . . Graphically and accurately portrayed bible accounts from other points of view? Let's face it, movies have a greater impact than books. It pains me to say this since I like to pretend I can write, but that is just the way it is. I don't pretend to be an expert on Bible movies, but what I've seen of them, they present the story from points of view that confirm how a believer sees things. But what it . . .

    The scene opens on a Canaanite village. Women are weaving and baking bread. Men are farming. Children are playing. Suddenly a bloodthirsty band of desert dwellers invade them and massacre. Movies are bloody today--so they could portray what really happens. The scene should include men driving swords through newborns bodies and bashing in the head of toddlers. Brains, gore everywhere. Screams and pleas for mercy. It won't help though. This band methodically goes through and brutally kill all the inhabitants. The scene could close with dead, broken, bloody bodies strewn about the village--mothers clutching dead babies, husbands and wives still clinging even in death, flies landing on their blank staring eyes. And in the foreground, this band could be offereing up a burnt sacrifice to their god and crediting him with victory.

    Or a scene opens up with a mother nursing her newborn and a proud father gazing at the scene that exudes love. Fastforward a year and watch the couple rejoice as the babe takes its first steps and falls into daddy's arms. Another year passes and they clap their hands as the child utters mama. After years of warm and loving scenes of a child growing up, forward to a disobedient teenager who drinks too much wine and disrespects his parents. They seize him and yank him to the center of town, calling for reinforcements. Mommy and Daddy heft heavy stones at their son's head and the townspeople join in. They only stop when there is no more sign of life and bits of brain and blood spatter all the participants.

    A young woman picking flowers is seized by a man who violently rapes her. Movies show worse, so the scene should be explicit. The girl screams out for her father, but no one hears. She runs home to her father sobbing and traumatized. In the next scene, the rapist hands the father a bag of silver and takes the woman home to be his wife where he gets to rape her without restraint. These scenes won't show her crying out for her father--we know what that got her--but show a woman who has lost all feeling and sense of selft.

    Another scene where men demand a man to send his wife out to them. He does, even as she clings to him and begs his protection. He just pushes her harder and closes his door. The scene would be violent and horrible as they rape the woman to death. In the morning, the husband comes out, takes a knife, and butchers her body. The scene could show the knife slashing through her flesh and being stained rea. Sweat breaks out on his forehead, because this is hard work. Then he takes the pieces of her body and ties them to mules and sends them out into the land. Perhaps it could close with a scene of wolves chewing her leg bone and scavenger birds ripping at her foot.

    What do you think would happen with such a movie? It could not be argued that it was inaccurate.

    Just something that was going through my head.


  • talesin

    They did it with Passion of Christ ... why not other Bible stories?

    People love blood and gore, and except for the (to be expected) outcries of the fundies, ppl would probably eat it up.

    ... Satan and G*d are having a discussion about who is more powerful.

    S: "Don't kid yourself, G*d,,, I wield a lot of power on earth"

    G: "Hahaha, satan, I created you. Hey, I have a faithful servant down there; his name is Job. Let's have some fun torturing him, and see if he chooses you over me. What's the wager?"

    S: "Oh, I dunno... how about, I win,,, I get to rule,,, You win,, I have to stay on Earth"

    G: "It's on!"

    Proceed to show, graphically, the tortures Job (and his family) endured .... end with G*d taunting Satan re his winning the wager.


  • NewChapter

    TS, they DID do it with Passion of Christ---but---STILL from the "proper" viewpoint. We were supposed to feel compassion for Christ and suffer with him (I didn't see the movie) so all sensibilities were in the usual place.

    However, we are supposed to rejoice that the canaanites were destroyed, we are supposed to accept that a rapist can buy his victim/bride, we are supposed to support the mandate to stone a disobedient son. What would happen if we portrayed it from THEIR point of view.

    The flood---drowned kittens, scratching at the ark door until fingers are bloody and shredded, fathers helpless to help their families. From THAT point of view.

    I think that the movie would be deeply criticized. Simply because it's told from the "wrong" POV and not because it is inaccurate. Even good ol' Mel came under fire for portraying the Jews as the force behind the crucifixtion---even though he accurately portrayed the bible account.

  • talesin

    Agreed. The most vociferous lobby would be there (fundies, Family values, etc.) in a New York minute.

    Still, I think it's a cool idea... you should write a screenplay and send it to David Cronenberg (cdn. director who loves twisted stuff, he made Dead Ringers, Scanners, eXistenZ, Crash, Naked Lunch, M Butterfly, and many others, most famously The Fly); you never know,,, he may like it!!

    I'm not kidding.


  • cofty

    Excellent idea - It was a painting called Hagar by Andrew Geddes that first made me look at bible stories form the other point of view.

  • talesin

    wow, cofty! I can see how that would ... what a tragic painting ... achingly beautiful, and the raw pain on her face....

    thank you for posting that.


  • flying under the radar
    flying under the radar

    It would be an excellent idea. No JW would see it due to the graphic violence and the sex. Things that we are suppose to hate....

  • Shador
    It would be an excellent idea. No JW would see it due to the graphic violence and the sex. Things that we are suppose to hate....

    Heh. Funny how JWs can't watch R-rated movies, but what rating would the accounts in the Bible get...

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    They know the book is ALWAYS better than the movie

  • NewChapter

    Cofty, that's a beautiful painting. And a good point. Believers celebrate how Hagar was sent away from her husband and home, but at what cost? How come nobody ever cared about Hagar?? I find the opposing characters in the bible to be cartoons---lacking any depth or humanity. They are simply portrayed as villians in some way---the guy twirling his mustache while putting the damsel on the railroad track.

    But that is not how life is. Many things define a person. Simply living in a region that another tribe wants does not make one evil. So they need to find something to convince us that they are evil. Well the Canaanites practiced infanticide!!!!! SHOCKING. So the remedy was to go in and slice up their babies.

    I think that believers would find the movie incredibly offensive if it is told from the "wrong' viewpoint. Yet how could they argue if it was accurate?

    That said, I'm seriously considering doing some writing along these lines. I don't usually like to write such violent stuff though. I'm still working on some ideas.


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