Discussion With Friends After The CA... Generation Demo & Blood

by BroMac 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • BroMac

    well the 'standout' for me was the Generation Demo. it just came out of nowhere. the 'elder' couldn't explain it without looking down at his notes. and he only mentioned the change as being from '95 - the wicked generation, and not the change from '08 - the generation of contemporaries.

    later we went out for a meal and nobody could explain to me the latest understanding of what jesus meant when he said 'this generation'. nor could they explain the '08 version, or the '95. they did know that there was a change from the 1914 generation. but NOBODY knew what it was.

    I dont know why but i was shocked.

    and then this beauty came up when discussing blood: 2 of them knew NOTHING about the change in use of acceptable blood components.

    "what?? from somebody else's blood??!!!"

    errr.. yes, and absolutely no official scriptural reasoning, been like that for about 10yrs now.

    "how can that be???!!"

    .....well it seems like it's now a conscience matter

    "conscience.. from somebody else's blood??!!!"

    well yes.. you've heard of fractions right? well for eg. you cant have a red blood cell treatment, but you could have a haemoglobin treatment, haemoglobin is a conscience matter. it's around 97% of a red blood cell, you could if you choose too in good conscience, accept that treatment, but, you could not accept the other 3%. i mean its like your Iphone there, in it's case. you can have the Iphone but you cant have the case.

    "thats crazy!"

    now would it bother your conscience if to get the Iphone you HAD to have it with the case also?

    "not at all"

    well, as far as i can tell, if you were to have the haemoglobin treatment with the 'case' ie. red blood cells treatment. and it became known, then you would be viewed as having DA. Thats really the best way i can describe it. but you might want to research it yourself then you know what to do if you ever need to go into hospital. because it can be an important decision, we've all heard of people dying because they would not accept blood.

    "I didn't know we could have blood???"

    err... no you cant have blood, you can have parts that make up blood. oh yeah, food for thought, between 1980&1967 no JW could have an organ transplant. cannabalism apparently.

    (uproar with laughter)

    ok..ok.. go look it up and tell me i'm wrong.

    waitress: "now who's is the medium rare steak?"


    Is that normal, for fellow JW's to not know the doctrines. I think it must be.


  • alanv

    Hi Bro Mac,

    I too believe that there are many things that the org say, that the witnesses have no idea about. My JW son constantly finds me telling him things that he had no idea about.

    Certainly they no little about the recent controversies, i e child abuse, UN and the downsizing in many aspects of the org.

  • DaCheech

    I used to go to JW gatherings in the "golden" years.............. and there were deep conversations about useless details.

    some "usual ones" would always get fired up, claiming their conclusions were correct.

    seems like they used to take price in knowing EVERYTHING................... now they just ride the wave.

    they go to elders, and ask




    on things, and just let the elders run their lives

  • mrquik

    It's ironic they can't figure out how long a "generation" is. Jesus himself set the example telling the destruction of Jerusalem within a "generation". 37 years later, within a generation, it fell. Not a century, not several overlapping time periods. Of what value is a warning if no one can figure out when it ends? Don't waste your time on older witnesses. They now have invested way too much of their lives to leave. I'm sure many know deep inside there are serious doctrinal issues. It's such a shame & a waste of one's life. I know. I wasted 50 yrs.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I think what you experienced is normal for JWs. They're so busy underlining magazines, going to Starbucks, attending meetings and whatever other busy work, very few really understand all the changes that have been made.

    Throw some cognitive dissonance in there, and they haven't got a clue.

    I think it's worse among "old - timers." They seem to hold on to the ideas the Society used in the 1970's. They think the FDS actually still write in to the society with "new light" even though there have been articles about how this is not true. Had a discussion after the DC about that very subject. The person was truly shocked that the society in writing said this was not the case.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    waitress: "now who's is the medium rare steak?"


  • DesirousOfChange

    he only mentioned the change as being from '95 - the wicked generation, and not the change from '08 - the generation of contemporaries.

    And if you'd have asked him face-to-face, without the notes, he still could not have explained what either of the those changes were about.


    Edit: Bro Mac, I posted the above before I read your 2nd paragraph. This is SO TRUE. The majority have NO F...ing idea what it's all about. If they did they'd be scratching their bal..... head like anyone else who stops to THINK ABOUT IT. It's been "explained" at THREE different assemblies/conventions now, plus 2 or 3 articles in the WT and NOBODY GETS IT!

  • Voices

    Well if everyone knew what was really written (not implying one should put all their faith in a book) ...do you really think people would stay? I left because of the inconsistencies with the Bible.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    This is pretty common and the question that always comes into my mind is: Does the Borg leadership like it this way or does it frustrate them?

    I'm not sure whether even the GB knows the answer to that.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Kinda make you wonder what the hell they learn for all the meetings they endure.

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