Thoughts on the current Governing Body

by JRK 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • transhuman68

    I think the current GB are the right men for the job. All they have to do is just keep the money coming in, and the numbers increasing every year. Russell started it, Rutherford got publicity and increased the numbers, but Franz was a liability who made up crap as he went. What can the GB do... there is no foundation to this religion- their legacy is decades of failed predictions and kooky doctrine. Best for them just to be bland and stick to the script as they are doing- why mess up something that works?

  • agonus


    But how well is it really working? Look at the turnover. Look at the churn. The apathy. The low funds, which necessitate the need to sell off the property. The lack of capable brothers. The increasing pressure from the outside. The increasing pressure from the inside - much of it aimed at younger and younger kids. More and more lectures on not doubting, and more demonstrations where the WT acknowledges that the flock is not "getting it" and providing "explanations" that are nothing more than temporary diversions. They're coasting at best, slowly imploding at worst.

    It's a one-trick pony. How long do you think they can keep it up? Formulaic TV shows may last for decades, but none of them have lasted forever.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Transhuman68: kooky!

    That's a good way to describe the JW religion. And they have brought it upon themselves.

  • JimmyPage

    Yeah, it seems to me the religion would do so much better financially if it would stop discouraging higher education. Of course it would have to change in a lot of other areas too so that the more educated JWs would stay with the religion. It would appear that the Mormons would be the model to follow in this regard.

    I think there really has been a struggle within- some pushing for higher education and giving to charity- and I think that was evidenced and reflected by the drama a couple years back that featured the Scolios character.

    Just imagine- if the Governing Body got with the times and no longer required neckties. Or allowed the songs to be played with a drum backbeat. Or provided a "Sunday school" for the kids, to the relief of the parents who tire of trying to make toddlers act like little adults. Or loosened up on holidays and the blood issue (which it actually has- "fractions" for example).

    The religion has to either mainstream and live or become more cultlike and destroy itself. Unfortunately the current GB is picking the latter. It's all they know.

  • sizemik

    I agree with most here . . . the world keeps moving, and doing things the same old way won't work indefinitely.

    The power of the internet has (and still is) growing, and WT has neither utilised it . . . nor defended it's threat effectively. They can't because they've painted themselves into a corner. You can't warn against and utilise something at the same time, and do it effectively.

    The tighter the cult . . . the shorter the life cycle IMO. It's either loosen up and live . . . or Armageddons going to be too late to help anyone . . . including the GB arrangement.

  • Brad Wilson
    Brad Wilson

    A definite undercurrent to my finally leaving was that it had just become so Stale. You can only bash people for so long and like sizemik mentioned it really does seem as though they have painted themselves into a corner. But a drone is a drone, and having been one for so many years it's hard to say how long this thing of theirs can go on. For sure it is better to be out of that bubble and watching them struggle, and of course their ultimate demise would sure be a hoot, and yes it doesn't appear this current crop of gb's will add anything new to the equation.

    Peace - Brad

  • Joepublisher1

    Great thread and great comments. Personally, I cannot get over or understand how these people "think/believe" they are appointed by God. Some - if not all - have to know this whole religion is a sham! Their own changed teachings, false end-time predictions and white-washed history down through the decades have betrayed them OVER and OVER again - and its ALL IN PRINT in WTS literature! You have to really be in denial - as a Governing Body member [including the rank and file] - not to admit this and step out of this man-made religion. The internet has made it possible [for anyone, but especially JWs] for this so-called religion to be thoroughly exposed to them!

  • Balaamsass

    I heard that two of the GB started "partaking" as teens in the 70s, is this true? I KNOW what 99% of JWs would have thought back then if they were in the same Congregation.

  • erbie

    One of them was born in 1955!

    We were always told that they were getting older. Bloody younger more like!

    I wish Russel and Rutherford could see things now.

  • agonus

    Yep, some on the GB are now YOUNGER than my parents, one of whom was baptized in 1984.

    How exactly is this possible?

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