printing of g increased

by factfinder 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • factfinder

    @wha happened-

    Thanks ! you are right- people are at different stages of recovery (I am- many mixed feelings!) And everyone is free to comment or express their opinions here.

    It is hard to be objective and balenced . I hope what I said was not discouraging to you. I apologize if it was.

    @Won't leave- I remember leaving older issues tucked inside screen doors of not at homes too.

  • jehu or jehonadab
    jehu or jehonadab

    Its interesting on the increase. Is the new arrangment working now? leaving all the magz. on the back counter for all to grab at any time? no need to request a order for magz just grab

    a hand full as you walk out the door and let them pile up at home. now watch the numbers rise. I would like to see how many magz are reported in the filed service reports to that of printing..

    ill bet theres a huge differance.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I'm fine, although I do admit to speaking while in a particularly moody moment.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    My wife is going through alot of your type of mixed emotions. One minute she rolls her eyes at her JW holier than now elitist relatives, then I make one comment and she becomes the ice princess and doesn't talk for hours

  • Alfred

    the printing of the most least-read magazine in the world has gone up so that 3-year olds can easily place them, become publishers and make themselves eligible for baptism by the time they're 5 years old... keep in mind that recruitment is no longer coming from the field... it's coming from jw family and jw peer pressure... the easier you make it more jw children to get baptized, the earlier you can start their long brainwashing process and increase the retention rate...

  • factfinder

    @wha happenned?-

    I'm sorry you have a situation like that with your wife. I think what happens, at least with me, is a part of me still relates to being a witness, and when I read ALOT of negative things against them I kind of take it personal. And then I go and complain about things that are wrong with the witnesses too!

    I always liked the wt literature. Not all of it was interesting, but I looked forward to getting it and seeing what is new. My Mom instlled in me a love for books and magazines at an early age and while my vision is now very poor I still like to read what I can. So I still obtain the magazines & new books from a sister I know.

    The printing aspect of the society still interests me.

    I am glad I did not offend you by my comments. We have all gone through the disappointments and dissalusionments in discovering the real truth abnout the truth and this causes us to react in various ways at times. I understand most posters complaints. Still, not EVERYTHING the wts does is wrong or evil or sinister or a lie!

    I try to be objective.

    And whatever statistics about the literature production the new gb does not hide is interesting to me.

    Hang in there! I hope your wife will become more moderate in time.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    "Still, not EVERYTHING the wts does is wrong or evil or sinister or a lie!"

    If this were the bar to measure religion, then all religion is acceptable. Let's start with the Children of God.

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