"Crisis of Allegiance" is a slim, but excellent book written by a professor of religion on the events in Lethbridge, Alberta, around 1981, that led to the expulsion of Jim Penton, a JW who believed he was anointed but also happened to think the WTS had some doctrines wrong.
It's a great read that ties in quite closely with the campaign to get rid of Ray Franz, showing the dirty tricks used by the society to rid themselves of someone who dared to question them. Penton was an academic who the Society loved when he wrote a book on their human rights legal challenges ... but when he expanded his research and decided to do a book on their history, POW! They began regarding him with great suspicion. "Apocalypse Delayed" was the final product .... started while he was "in" and finished when he was "out".
"Crisis of Allegiance" is often quite hard to find. But I received an email alert today that it is now online through Abebooks. Highly recommended.