If you are closest in time and place, call me and let me know if it starts.......................
October 21, 2011 (THE END OF THE WORLD) Starts When First?
by blondie 44 Replies latest jw friends
Hey, since the world is ending awfully soon, I might as well burn all my bridges and say a few things here about a few of you people.....
No.... Nevermind. See you all tomorrow and the next day and the next.... Nothing is going to spoil my weekend.
bats in the belfry
... it's happening: flashes from the skies, thunders and rumbling
.... violent weather strikes once more.
"The date October 21, 2011 is even more distinctly indicated by the Scriptures than 1914," (Watchtower, Sept. 1, 1922, p. 262).
Any of you ladies want a cheap night of tawdry sex with a pervert that is dying tomorrow? Just askin' . . .
Yan Bibiyan
Hmm..I think it's a load of bull$hit...
It's the end of the world AGAIN?
Damn. I forgot to buy popcorn for the event.
Jack C.
It's actually supposed to be the end of the Age, not the world.
"I do believe we're getting very near the very end," Camping, 90, said during a podcast recorded earlier this month and posted on his Family Radio website. "Oct. 21, that's coming very shortly, that looks like it will be, at this point, it will be the final end of everything."
After his last apocalyptic prediction failed to materialize, Camping said he was "flabbergasted" and was reconsidering his calculations.
"We've learned that there's a lot of things we didn't have quite right," he acknowledged during the podcast.
On recently recorded podcasts, Camping hedged his Oct. 21 prediction - "Probably there will be no pain suffered by anyone because of their rebellion against God" - but he maintained that, ultimately, the end is nigh.
"I really am beginning to think as I've restudied these matters that there's going to be no big display of any kind," Camping said. "The end is going to come very, very quietly."
LOL. He might be right... it's very quiet here... as usual.
As Yoda put it so eloquently: forever sleep.