I knew a few JWs who gave up holidays & even their jobs to help build this place. I wonder what they are thinking now?
Ireland Bethel up for sale
by Mattieu 27 Replies latest jw friends
St George of England
I was told at the meeting today that the Bethel in Ireland has been sold but the WTS is currently renting it back from the new owners.
Anyone else heard this?
That's a new one ! Renting back ? then why close it in the first place ? I suspect a huge cock-up as usual.
The WT are as inept at Property Dealing as they are at interpreting Scripture.
St George of England
Equity release?
This way the sale revenue is sent to Brooklyn and the locals can find the rent each month.
yup, that is how it will work Georgie boy, but surely this will raise some questions in the Irish mind ? I do hope so, it is more blatant than merely selling a redundant building.
Maybe they are testing the waters for doing this scam elsewhere, if the Irish R&F meekly accept being shafted like this, probably it will work anywhere, boy they are callous money-grubbing bastards.
Sell and rent back is very common...WT will get the cash, and the locals will be stuck with the rent back cost. Pretty clever actually...
Another shameful money tactic by the apathetic money hungry WTS. Corporation.
One of the disturbing elements to the WTS. is that it doesn't care for people who spent
many years of their life working and laboring at it printing facilities or long time pioneering.
The deal is to coerce and lure people into working for the organization for almost free, then take
what ever cash their investments create and then bank it to collect interest.
The quick build KHs or the high end properties in Brooklyn New York, were mostly done by
brainwashed coerced JWS.
The WTS always uses the isn't nice to serve Jehovah in building up his earthly kingdom.
You'll be rewarded come Armageddon to be sure.
The old Bethel in Ireland is being used for the Bible School For Christian Couples for the UK - a couple from the congregation here just went through it there.
It doesn't sound impossible that they sold it and are now renting it back, but quite surprising.