Knocking on Doors vs. Televangelism

by Band on the Run 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Bella15

    Quote: "The Courier-Mail of Brisbane, Australia, notes that TV evangelists "make up to $120 million a year selling salvation."

    Is this only in Australia??? Doesn't the Watchtower made $900 MILLION + in one year as reported here in USA??? Seems to me that door-to-door is more profitable for them.

    Also, can you picture a Watchtowerite giving a talk on TV telling the world that :

    Jesus Christ is not the Mediator between Jehovah God and all mankind. He is the Mediator between his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, and the nation of spiritual Israel, which is limited to only 144,000 members.” —Worldwide Security Under the “Prince of Peace,” p. 10

    Can you picture them preaching the FALSE AND ERRONEOUS PREDICTIONS LISTED HERE ...

    Take time to read all is taken from their own Watchtower books and magazines ...

    THEY make Harold Camping look like a poor old mad that knows nothing due to Alzheimers or whatever ...

    I forgot this ... LOL!!!

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    Watchtower, get a T.V. channel please! I will watch it all the time .


  • ssn587

    The question remains that if all the mags not used in the d-t-d BS aren't used, who is it paying for them, I don't believe for even a second that the bitchtower lets them go for nothing. Sooooooo who pays for them. The congregation is what i believe.

    Remember the PTL Ministeries? Jim and Tammy Faye?, well that is what the Bitchtower is to the congregations PTL (pass the loot) publishing company.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    The Watchtower does not operate at a loss. They pay for those mags on the backs of the rank & file by charging them at the conventions for administrative fees/dues/etc. I think someone on here mentioned that it was a line item now on the charge sheet for use at the snooze fests.


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