The stress on Jehovah's Witness Elders raising their children in "The Truth" is causing many to literally go mad.
Keeping their children in " The Spiritual Ark" is becoming more and more difficult.
Many Elders are snapping under the pressure.
One of our guests on the Six Screens conference call told of her Elder father ( who everyone at the Kingdom Hall thought was an angel) came home from the meeting and killed the family dog in the kitchen with his bookbag as the family looked on......
Join us tonight Oct. 22, 2011 at 7 PM EDT. ...
Our guest will be Wendy Lee Tucker former JW whose father was an elder and terribly abused her physically and emotionally.
She received horrific beatings..... Hit with a bat, punched at, receiving a broken nose and became a prisoner in her home.
Wendy was looked in her room with the doors being nailed shut when the family went off to the Kingdom Hall.
A far cry fom being a "Spiritual Paradise"
It is easy to get on the computer is necessary.... Just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925
Our lines open at 6:30 PM EDT.....So come on early and talk with all those who have been "touched by the tentacles of The Watchtower"
The Six Screens of the Watchtower Confernce Call ....... No Fluff .. Just Shock!