by Berengaria 18 Replies latest jw friends
I enjoy playing piano though my style is admittedly very simple.
If I'm singing I'll play the chords with my right hand and the root note with the left hand, alternating between the two to keep the beat.
Or if I'm not singing I'll play the melody with my right hand and the chords with my left, usually something out of a "fake" book that tries to reduce the number of sharps and flats.
I find playing to be very relaxing.
I never knew hippie socialist communists listened to the piano.
Nice music besekbkekskskxckbkkskbksislkkfj;kjao;ifha;lkjbcl;ajsngdfk';asldkf'kl;sfjfkasld;fjnas;dklfjansd;klsdns.......
One of my all time favorite pieces of music. One of the first records I ever bought. I musta been about 15. If you're familiar with this, you can imagine the abundance of emotion that 15 year old was harboring.
I used to play the piano. I was okay. Not great. Haven't played in a while. I love the composter Chopin. Absolutely phenomenal.
For a more modern great... Billy Joel. Skip to 2:48 for the solo:
You would probably remember this one if you watched The Pianist: