"It's up to You"- the one choice the Society never gives you

by JimmyPage 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • JimmyPage

    My JW wife babysits from time to time, usually non-JWs. Apparently my daughter was indoctrinated to the evils of Halloween recently because one of the "worldly" kids mentioned it and she told him it was bad. (Although when I'm with her alone, she totally loves the holiday).

    This non-dub kid said, "No it's not bad. Is it, Jimmy?" My response: "That's up to you." His response: "Halloween is not bad".

    I got to thinking about the response I gave, and I don't think I could have given a better answer, whether to the boy or to my own child.

    It really is up to you, and it should be. My daughter often says things to me like, "Halloween is bad for Mommy" or "When is Mommy going to like Christmas?" (By the way, you should have seen the shocked look on my wife's face when I said "it's up to you". Like it was a totally new concept that sprang forth from a two-headed alien).

    I think it speaks volumes that the simple act of forming your own opinion on matters is so violently opposed by an organization.

    Anyway, I think it's time to reinforce the idea of free will in my kids and hope it sticks.

  • flipper

    JIMMY- Excellent handling of that situation by you ! Cool. That is great you are teaching your kids free will because when we were Witnesses NOTHING we did was really our choice. We were told that we can't TRUST ourselves due to our alleged " sinful " nature or alleged " imperfections " . We were told if we didn't sit at mind control meetings or knock on people's doors - that we were dissapproved or condemned. Good job dude, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • agonus

    You're absolutely right. You know, it's funny. Most religions - even some cults - will acknowledge that it's normal, human, and OK to question what you believe or have doubts, even if leaving has negative consequences. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall a single piece of WT literature that said it is ever, EVER - in ANY given scenario or under ANY circumstances - OK or acceptable to doubt or question the F&DS/GB (usu. as much as, if not more than "Jehovah", who we all know in WT parlance are identical and inseparable), nor is it ever, EVER - in ANY given scenario or under ANY circumstances - OK or acceptable to leave/disassociate. I mean, can you recall anything they've ever said to that effect? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure they haven't. Probably because their doctrine has become so increasingly indefensible over the last few decades, Scripturally, logically, or otherwise. And that's probably why the WT makes no serious attempts at apologeticism and why any remotely capable or intelligent WT apologists (who have ALWAYS proved to be far more capable apologists than the current GB), i.e. Greg Stafford, usually end up leaving or get kicked out.

  • truthseekeriam

    Love it!! I have 2 teens and they both have a different opinion on the whole Halloween thing. Therefore they will both do as the wish..so awesome!! They are making their own choices, knowing they can! Its great Freedom of choice is wonderful.

  • WTWizard

    Isn't it right in their own Bible that one should not criticize others for celebrating holidays? And I believe it was Paul, not even Jesus, that wrote that--that one should enjoy holidays as they see fit and allow others to do the same. As for me, I choose to observe Halloween, Christmas, and to decorate for Easter. I do not do Valentines Day but only because I don't have the appropriate occasion to do so. I also do not do July 4, again because I am becoming embarrassed to be an American while America is fast becoming a totalitarian regime that I would rather seek out of.

    But, if you choose to celebrate July 4, I see nothing wrong with it. Nor do I see a problem with those who will not do Halloween because they view it as blatant Devil worship, or that do Christmas as a strictly secular holiday, or that do Ramadan and other Muslim holidays, or that celebrate the Jewish holidays, or that have other reasons to celebrate other days or to refrain from doing established holidays.

    Of course, the witlesses view this viewpoint as being "You are required to teach the bad doctrine until the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger itself fixes it, even if you can prove it wrong using their own Bible".

  • JimmyPage

    That's a great reminder of Romans 14:5 and 6, WT Wizard. For those who don't recall this scripture, here's what it says in the New World Translation: " One [man] judges one day as above another; another [man] judges one day as all others; let each [man] be fully convinced in his own mind. He who observes the day observes it to Jehovah. Also, he who eats, eats to Jehovah, for he gives thanks to God; and he who does not eat does not eat to Jehovah, and yet gives thanks to God."

  • sizemik
    nor is it ever, EVER - in ANY given scenario or under ANY circumstances - OK or acceptable to doubt or question the F&DS/GB (usu. as much as, if not more than "Jehovah", who we all know in WT parlance are identical and inseparable), nor is it ever, EVER - in ANY given scenario or under ANY circumstances - OK or acceptable to leave/disassociate.

    Exactly . . . but they know damn well it's wrong. As soon as they get questioned about shunning and the barriers to leaving they say. "Anyone is free to leave at any time . . . it's entirely a matter of choice" (effectively saying "it's up to you"), . . . which is totally misleading and they know it.

    Your not saying anything they don't say themselves depending on the audience. They know they don't allow freedom to choose on many issues . . . but they will infer that they do . . . because they know it's wrong. Hypocrites x 10.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    They will sometimes say you need to make your own decision. But in making your decision, here are the scriptural principles that you should consider..... And this is what a mature Christian will decide......

    We all know that we can't be anything less than a "mature Christian."

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos

    I guess I'm the only one that didn't like your response. The correct answer would of been "No, halloween is not bad". Saying "it's up to you" was dodging the question. There are things in life that benifit us (good), have no affect (not bad), and things that have a negative affect on us (bad). By saying "it's up to you" you give credibility to the lie that somehow celebrating halloween is harmful. You should of just told the kid the truth. There's nothing wrong with halloween.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    On their WT Library CD I get a lot of search hits on 'personal decision' and 'decision of conscience'.

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