Sowhatnow- As some have alluded to here all you have to do is substitute the words " WT Society " where you used the word " Jehovah " in your opening thread - and THAT is what the WT leaders really mean when they claim it's " Jehovah's arrangement ". WT leaders really do believe they are as powerful as God - or better still they MAKE themselves God by being the ultimate authority to JW's on every single detail of their life
what is 'the arrangement' exactly?
by sowhatnow 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Watchtower Publishing house is Jehovah's (god's) arrangement and all those who wish to be a devoted to god and appease him must obey and be subservient to this Corporation.
Remember god chose this organization (1919) exclusively for its exact truthful and honest interpretation of the bible and its written word.
All members must speak in the designated god speak devised by the leader(s)
Oh come on, that was the most hilarious post I've ever made. The things I do for you people.