I remember as a child in the 1980's attending four day conventions. I know in the past conventions were even longer. Does anyone know how long they use to last and the approximate years? I'm researching for my book.
How long did Conventions used to be?
by donuthole 78 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
8 days. 1963 International Convention, met Milton Henschel who was very nice and cordial to us as a group of teens.
I remember the 8 day convention in 1963...it was hot, dusty and seemed to last forever!
Rose Bowl? Yes I was working in the kitchen with my dad and the Health Department almost shut us down because of the heat and dust.
no more kool aid
I love that you put this under child abuse! Eight day assembly is indeed child abuse, I was at the 8 day in Atlanta ( I think 1968?). Then I remember a stretch of 4 day conventions, there might have been some 5 day, where you were suppose to go out in service 1/2 day in some horrible neighborhood with your family. It all runs together because my parents were zealots who did preassembly work and post assembly work at several different locations during the summer (what a great summer experience for a kid) anyway hard to remember where my misery left off and hoplessness began haha. My children (now out for 3+ years) cannot believe that the convention was eight days with evenings too, they say "what could they have talked about for that long"!? NMKA
Oh they had lots to talk about in those days. The Babylon The Great book came out, Fred's opus. I think I have the Convention booklet somewhere that had pictures from around the world.
The so called "traditional" assembly usually started on a Thursday and ending on Sunday, but the International assemblies were a week long. At least that's the way it was in the 60's and 70's. Have'nt been to one since early 80's BTW.
In the 60s, there were 6, 7, 8 day conventions. Many mornings were for field service, but I recall walking back to our car in the dark as sessions ended LATE in the evening. They were typically in open air sports parks, so they were HOTTER than hot in many regions of the country (US). Everyone carried their water cooler and their umbrellas which clamped onto the chair arm. More casual dress code -- sisters in sundresses and kids in shorts, brothers in ties but no suitcoats except on stage. Not unusual to have older folks carried out from the heat, even to the hospital by ambulance.
I can't imagine what the hell there was to talk about for so many hours, so many days. Just at all the tripe used as filler to get them to 3 days now. GEEZ!
Someone mentioned 1963 -- only 3 convention sites in continental US -- Los Angeles, Milwaukee, & NYC (+ one in Hawaii).
NO ONE would attend if it was like that today.
I think that the last 8 day International Convention was in 1969. I was baptized at that one in NYC.
Yeah, I was at the one in Milwaukee in '63.