Welcome, glad you found us. I also felt the trinity was a sticking point and the reason I stayed as long as I did. Even after leaving it kept me from looking at other religions.
Eventually I started investigating the religion that had controlled so much of my adult life. I then realized that their history of lies, deceit, false predictions and doctrinal needs flip flops were far worse than any one doctrine could be. Much of the bible is a matter of interpretation anyway, so why condemn fellow Christians for interpreting something in a different way than you do?
Jesus said "by this all will know that you are my disciples, that you have love for one another". It wasn't whether they believed in a trinity or not, it was by love. How much love does the Watchtower show to fellow believers in Christ? They show none, claiming they are not even Christians because they differ on doctrine. Even within the Jehovah's Witnesses, how much love do you see in the congregation? You seem to have had a positive experience, but you must have seen those who did not. Many who leave have said they were treated very badly by the elders or fellow JWs, that there was no love.
There are also churches that don't teach trinity and some that have no doctrine whatsoever. Having attended one like that I can tell you I found it a much more spiritual and positive experience than the dry, plodding, rote question and answer JW meetings. They also showed so much love. People were assigned to be greeters, people took care of the sick, they helped the homeless and the hungry.
But it took me many years to get to the point where I saw the trinity as being a minor doctrine issue and my spiritual journey continued on from there. At this point I consider myself a humanist, but I would never condemn anyone for still believing in Christ, as it is your life and your spiritual journey to make. Whereever you end up in the spectrum of belief you have made a great start, to look for truth, real truth, with an honest heart, and to be open to where that takes you.