You learn something new in the kingdom hall every week...
I told an elder that I'm not going out in field service yet but God knows why that is and it's between him and I (translation: jehovahs witnesses are not the truth and it's a colossal waste of time) and I assume the elder took it to mean I want to do it but can't for some reason because he said "Jehovah doesn't know that though. He has to see you out there in field service to know that you're serious. He can't read your mind."
Would the holy spirit appoint an elder this stupid? Not likely!
by venusinfauxfurs 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think he was talking about himself and inserted jehovah® in there to give more force. Just put "I" wherever he says Jehovah and you'll get it.
Think About It
He (God) can't read your mind. Would the holy spirit appoint an elder this stupid?
Never underestimate the power of holy spirit on a JW elder.
Think About It
Ah, you never know....
After all, look at the idiots the "holy spirit" elected to the Governing Body...
cult classic
Thanks for the funny of the day Venus... rofl.
That's not inconsistent with JW teaching, since they believe that Jehovah really doesn't know the future fully. He didn't know, for example, that Adam would sin, or who will be ultimately saved. According to WT teaching, Jehovah chooses not to know certain things about the future so as to allow free will in his creatures. Such a deity is timebound, and not all-knowing and eternal as the God of Christianity is.
Further, they believe that Jehovah doesn't even fully know the present, since they take his words to Abraham in Genesis 22:12 ("He said, "Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me.") to mean that Jehovah really didn't know before that what was in Abraham's heart. Most commentators understand this expression as an anthropomorphism, not an indication of a lack of knowledge on God's part. But the WT's Jehovah is not quite on the same level.
I remember Dr. Ron Nash speaking at a conference once about open theists, who believe, as the WTS teaches, that God does not know the future fully. His remark, which I thought was pretty witty, was , "If I had a God like that, I'd want to pray for him."
@ NeonMadman, et al
If God really knew our future actions, then they can be calculated. If they can be calculated, then we are just acting out a very complicated program. If we are simply acting out a program, we can't be held responsible for our actions, since they are hard-wired into us and inescapable. Foreknowledge indicates preordination or, at the very least, inate traits outside of our control. Either way, whatever we do, it's what we were going to do and any ideas of free will are simply an illusion. Just like a computer's random number generator, where the numbers aren't actually random, but a ridiculously long algorithm to give the illusion of randomness. If we are just complicated robots, we aren't responsible and free will doesn't exist. If we're not, then our future actions can't be fully known.
And if by " timebound", you're implying God exists in all times and has already seen the future first-hand, then that's ridiculous and commenting on such a silly notion would be a waste of time on a baseless delusion. Granted, often religion and baseless delusion go hand-in-hand, but it leads to endless debates about unprovable dogma. Decreeing the nature of God with no basis is the realm of self-appointed Governing Bodies, Magisteriums, false prophets, and others who identify themselves as "God's sole channel of communication".
Well, he is right God can't read minds = there is no personal God, either. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle at work.
He's right, Jehovah the Brooklyn crook can't read minds!
...well yeah....but I bet he can get 10 hours in field service....3 of those being Starbucks 'breaks'...
Yeah....JW elders are real brilliant. Not.