OK. The good news is that my wife has eased up on the whole "talking it out with the elders" thing. She now insists that she is doing her"own independent research with unbiased materials" on some subjects. Unbiased? I guess we'll see.
But the real reason for this post is that we (my family) have been invited to have dinner with the congregation's uber uber uber dub. You know this guy. He gets to the KH 60 minutes before the meeting starts and is the last one to leave. Hand goes up on every single paragraph. Comments at least 5 times per meeting. Gives bombastic, sweaty...preacher type talks. Sways back and forth to the melody of the songs at the KH. Sings at ear splitting decibel level. Etc
So about a month and a half ago....he calls me cell. I don't answer. He leaves what I would describe as an offensive message. He noticed that he hadn't seen me at the KH for months. He noticed that over the years my "level of spirituality was in a downward spiral". He wonders "if anyone has offended me". He hopes that has not offended me. He asks flat out if I am mad at Jehovah. Then he says...."I just want to help you in any way that I can. I just wonder what's gone so wrong.....you know....in your head"...... In other words....I am clearly possessed or crazy or perhaps both
So this nutcase wants us to come over for dinner. My wife thinks he "means well". And he "has a good heart". I don't think I can. One of two things will happen. 1) He will want to talk about the lovely spiritual paradise witnesses have.....and that the end is near....etc. I will have to just nod and smile or 2) He will truly engage me in a discussion of "what's wrong with me". This one will not end well.
Would any of you try to humor your wife and "take one for the team"? Or would you just refuse to go?