no I don't, however, since leaving jws I am more open to these sort of ideas, there's only 1 way to find out lol
Do you believe in past lives??
by watersprout 38 Replies latest jw friends
I've had one dream that has been interpreted to be a past life dream. I can't exactly pin point the time period but I was a peasant , barefooted and walking behind a wagon full of chickens and such. I do not recall being handcuffed or chained to the wagon, so I'm not sure if I was a slave or not. I pause to look at a nearby city. The city has huge brick or clay walls around it. I am not alone but the driver of the wagon, which felt male, is not seen in my dream.
I saw that movie too
White Dove
Yup, I believe in it.
Nope, but Albert Brooks has a great viewpoint about it in "Defending Your Life" I love that movie!
White Dove
If you read the Bible with reincarnation in mind, it makes much more sense.
"There is nothing new under the sun." --Psalms?
I only know of two for whom this occurred, dear WS (the greatest of love and peace to you!): our Lord... and Elisha, whose spirit was "in" John the Baptist. Otherwise, I am not aware of anyone else having this... ummmm... privilege.
I hope this helps and, again, peace to you!
YOUR servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,
Do yourself a favor and read Journey of Souls by Michael Newton - you just might change your thinking about reincarnation and the afterlife.
I will read it, but I doubt it will change my beliefs.
On another point, I am amazed at how many reincarnated Native American shamans I meet, or Pharoahs and Queens of Egypt but no boring ol' clerks in a 30's govt office...
Yes I have noticed that. One woman I know of loves the negative aspects of life. She sucks teh life out of you she is that miserable. Her recent thing is that she was hung in a previous life because she has a tight feeling around her throat!
Although I've been told I was born before, but I was a woman in a printing office at the turn of the 20th Century. No dreams of being Cleopatra for me.
I have been told that you keep reincarnating so perhaps in another life you were a Queen??
Do I believe in past lives? Would you believe my past life was as a f__king JW elder?
I did see an interesting story about a very young boy who had the uncanny ablity to name WWll aircraft. He had memories of being there. I think they even looked up the man he thought he was. I don't remember much of the story.
I remember reading about that kid... Weird! Who knows where he got that info from.
Yes I was once a boring old git.... about two days ago.
No - no future lives either. This is it make the most of it.
Exactly! Our future hasn't been written, so it's up to us as individuals as to how our life pans out.
So IF (and thats a big if) reincarnation is real and we go on to live again, we are going to be taking a lot of garbage with us being ex dubbies. We will be spending our next lives in therapy not knowing why we feel the way we do! Sounds fantastic!
no I don't, however, since leaving jws I am more open to these sort of ideas, there's only 1 way to find out lol
I am very open minded about a lot of things.... It's just reincarnation affects me and not in a good way.
Violia that sounds very interesting... Our dreams are our unconscious minds doing a mind dump, so perhaps that is what's happening there??
If you read the Bible with reincarnation in mind, it makes much more sense.
"There is nothing new under the sun." --Psalms?
Ok I will read Psalms with that in mind.
I only know of two for whom this occurred, dear WS (the greatest of love and peace to you!): our Lord... and Elisha, whose spirit was "in" John the Baptist. Otherwise, I am not aware of anyone else having this... ummmm... privilege.
The greatest love and peace to you Shelby! I'm very curious about Elisha, could you elaborate please??
Yikes, I meant EliJAH, dear WS (again, the greatest of love and peace to you!). Typing too fast, again - LOLOLOL! As for your curiosity, the following might be of some assistance (along with asking for clarification from... well, you know who - LOLOLOL!):
“Remember, YOU people, the law of Moses my servant with which I commanded him in Ho´reb concerning all Israel, even regulations and judicial decisions. Look! I am sending to YOU people E·li´jah the prophet before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah. And he must turn the heart of fathers back toward sons, and the heart of sons back toward fathers; in order that I may not come and actually strike the earth with a devoting [of it] to destruction.” Malachi 4:5, 6
" For all, the Prophets and the Law, prophesied until John; and if YOU want to accept it, He himself is ‘E·li´jah who is destined to come.’ Let him that has ears listen." Matthew 11:13-15
"... the disciples put the question to him: “Why, then, do the scribes say that E·li´jah must come first?” In reply he said: “E·li´jah, indeed, is coming and will restore all things. However, I say to YOU that E·li´jah has already come and they did not recognize him but did with him the things they wanted. In this way also the Son of man is destined to suffer at their hands.” Then the disciples perceived that he spoke to them about John the Baptist."Matthew 17:101-13
"... they began to question him, saying: “Why do the scribes say that first E·li´jah must come?” He said to them: “E·li´jah does come first and restore all things; but how is it that it is written respecting the Son of man that he must undergo many sufferings and be treated as of no account? But I say to YOU , E·li´jah, in fact, has come, and they did to him as many things as they wanted, just as it is written respecting him.” Mark 9:11-13
My understanding is that the spirit of Elijah (who didn't die but was changed) was placed IN John... much like folks understand a [demon] possession; remember, spirits cannot "occupy" inanimate objects but can absolutely inhabit a living "vessel"... whether human, animal, or plant. Anything that has life (breath and/or blood) in it. In this case (one of the only ones recorded, however, there are certainly others although occupation by "bad" spirits have been given the most press over the millenia) such possession was by a "good" spirit and for a "good" purpose: to give John the voice to "cry out in the wilderness."
I do not know why John wasn't given our Lord's spirit (vs. Elijah's), except perhaps that our Lord had not yet been glorified so as to pour out HIS spirit... or God's spirit (as happened with others prior to, including Elijah himself). I will certainly share if I [ever] hear anything on that.
I hope this helps, dear WS, and again peace to you... and your entire household!
Your servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,