Where are MTS grads sent?

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  • A question
    A question

    In your experience, where and as what are MTS graduates sent?

    Home country or foriegn asseignment?

    Reg pioneer? Special pioneer? CO, DO? Bethel?

    What proportion of a class gets a certain type of assignment?

  • EmptyInside

    I personally only know two brothers who went to MTS. And they both were sent to neighboring halls from their circuit. Congregations that needed help. One is older and he is a substitute circuit overseer too.

    I think the other one also has circuit work as his goal. He pioneers with his wife right now.

  • Diest

    I think they send them to the Dakotas.....everytime I heard about where the need was greater in the US was in the Dakotas....

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty


    Either there or lonely spots in missouri.

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    This should get some interesting responses:

    darth frosty: how many elders are on the BOE in Hell?

  • williamhconley

    MTS grads are first sent back to their original congregations. If you did good in school & had a good report by the instructors, the grads are assigned usually after 3 weeks to another Congregation in the branch territory they came from. If the MTS grad didn't do that good, then he would stay in his original congregation.

    Those that get assignments are just sent as regular pioneers (in the USA) and they have to take care of their own expenses. After being on their assignment several years then the circuit overseer may recommend him for another assignment perhaps as a Special Pioneer, Sub CO, or Bethel.

    They are sent to Congregations where they need elders & servants. Some MTS grads are not even regular pioneers although they give preference to those who are to enroll them. However, to receive more responsabilities, being a regular pioneer is vital.

    William H. Conley

  • WTWizard

    What a waste of talent. Go to the Value Destroyer Training School--at your own expense. Then, you either sit at home waiting (waste), or you go with the mission to build up another congregation using the system that has been tried and failed (waste). You are set up for failure, since you are not allowed to use a better way if one exists.

    And, with the number of declines in once-booming countries (Japan, anyone?), they might get sent there with the radiation. And, with the 25% decline from almost 20,000 in 1996 to around 14,000 and change in the 2010 report, New Zealand might use them--of course, they will have to pay their own way there and cannot start their own business that might conflict with pious-sneering.

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