What exactly is the difference?

by Terry 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    Where am I wrong?

    If the Bible Says something and we don't understand it correctly...


    If the Bible doesn't really say anything understandable....

    What exactly is the difference?

    Aren't we equally UNinformed?

    Not even having The Bible vs having and not "getting it".....how is it different from just making something up?

    The Jehovah's Witness leaders who are "spirit guided" and who, in turn, guide the faithful rank and file have been WRONG so often

    how is it any ADVANTAGE to follow their guidance?

    Aren't you LESS LIKELY to bring reproach by shutting the hell up rather than setting a date or falsely explaining something as "Jehovah's word" a thing which is refuted by reality?

    If JEHOVAH guided 7 million faithful believers to go door to door advertising an event for 1975 and the event DID NOT HAPPEN----

    doesn't this make JEHOVAH appear to be:

    A. Lying

    B. Misrepresented?

  • N.drew

    I choose B

  • finallysomepride
  • N.drew


  • N.drew

    Oh, so sorry, wrong thread. Please forgive me. Thank you.

  • ShadesofGrey

    Not even having The Bible vs having and not "getting it".....how is it different from just making something up?

    It's not

    Aren't you LESS LIKELY to bring reproach by shutting the hell up rather than setting a date or falsely explaining something as "Jehovah's word" a thing which is refuted by reality? YUP

    Some musings on this topic: There are things in the Bible that are easy to understand. I can accept these and receive Christ.

    There are things in the Bible that are hinted at, such as the 4 slaves mentioned in Luke chapter 12. I believe that this teaches us of God's justice, and that churches that teach heaven or hell as a choice today are not teaching the truth.

    There are things I don't understand. That is fine. I don't have to go crazy trying to explain every little detail, especially of prophecies.

    Wishing you health, happiness and peace, SOG

  • JeffT

    Terry, this is entirely personal belief, I think some parts of the Bible are there to make us think about the questions, rather than to provide answers. One of the problems with JW's and others that view the Bible in the same way is that they try to make everything an answer to a question. Sometimes they have to invent the question in order to find something the "answer" fits.

  • N.drew

    In the house of my father there are many abodes.

    A father loves his children and nurtures them according to their needs.

    We do not all have the same needs and the same understanding.

    The words of the Bible are for different problems and needs of a multitude of diverse people

    in various time periods.

  • sizemik

    The only difference between A and B is who takes the blame.

    If the bible is unequivocally a reliable and clear indication of the nature of God and his requirements. Then it's a pretty piss-poor effort IMO. Why be deliberately mysterious, ambiguous and cryptic about it? A signpost normally has a clear message and is singular in it's direction and intent. If it's not . . . then you can't simply assign it a higher purpose.

    The only way God is in the clear is if he had nothing to do with it. As for those others . . . well, they're deceitful assholes either way.

  • Terry

    An answer that applies to all questions isn't really information.

    I don't think we get "information" from the Bible.

    We find reassurance for our emotional needs.

    The absolute trust in the bible begins where our confidence and knowledge ends.

    The more we know the less the bible supplies.

    I look at all the JW's that can't seem to put one foot in front of the other without consulting the GB's interpretation of cherry picked bible verses and I wonder if they even exist as individuals.

    There is no room for an actual person.

    Individuals aren't needed in God's kingdom; only sheep.

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