Strangely enough he is regarded as one of the most serious witnesses in the country.
Who is Rolf Furuli?
by possible-san 38 Replies latest watchtower bible
It is absurd.
He is an enemy of the GB.
There is no "freedom of the press" among Jehovah's Witnesses.If they/JWs have freedom of the press, I have to correct my view.
Samuel Thorsen
Furuli er very much pro education himself. Some years ago he bragged in the newspaper about all the young ones in his congregation who where getting higher education, when asked about the society's view on education.
In fact I remember that newspaper item. Also, in 1972, he was granted audience to appear before the King having the title of preacher/publisher attached to his name.
So, possible san, it might not have been possible in Japan, but it is in Norway.
Samuel Thorsen.Thanks.
Well, in my opinion, he is a typical JW hypocrite.
Probably, in Japan, his testimony is not accepted.
Probably, the Japanese ex-JWs will observe that way of his life before his testimony.
They dislike such hypocrisy and a double standard.I guess that Mr. Furuli may used the WTS for his profit.
(He actually wrote books. Who is interested in the lie regarding B.C. 607?)For me, I cannot think that he believes JW doctrine sincerely.
Therefore, he is irresponsible regarding "higher education."
And, ordinary JWs know that they do not have "freedom of the press."possible
But itsibity etc.: He never trabelled, he never was a DO, he has constantly been a pioneer in his congregation, and has been widely used at conventions, but has never travelled. He started teaching himself Hebrew while working, and then entered University and ended up a professor. His scholarly work deals with a new understanding of the time frame of the verbs, how they are used in texts including Bible texts (when are they to be understood as relating to the past, present or future etc.). He is a very friendly person.
"trabelled" in the first line of course is meant to be "travelled" as in what a DO does.
Samuel Thorsen
Furuli was definetly travelling in the 70-s.
He is a very good speaker. One of the few not boring speakers. And yes he is friendly. A litle shy, but friendly.
Mad Sweeney
You are correct, possible, that he is an example of Watchtower "double standard." They do this with their attorneys, as well.
Thank you to everyone who added details to this thread. Very interesting stuff.
As for whether he is popular or known among Jehovah's Witnesses, in the USA the answer is NO. I never heard of him until I was researching OUTside the Watchtower.
I do not know for sure everything about him only heresay, and a few emails with him back and forth. I believe he told me that he had been a DO at one point?? Pretty sure of this point. He is no longer at Oslo Un. he retired. Other than that it just made me sad in conversation with him to have his education (which I would give anything for...but working on...) and the fact that he still follows, and feels compelled to obey the GB. He evidentally has faith.... For many people being accepted into mass movements, and noteriety, adulation, if even locally etc... is the catalyst I think. He feels accepted, appreciated, preaches acceptance of 607 as an accurate date etc... life is good??? Most JWs do not know of him though.