I cannot imagine that Paul with his hubris would consider his writings scripture. Recently, I discovered that Jesus' references to scripture do not mean what we consider scrpture today. His Hebrew scriptures were scant compared to today. The Hebew scriptures were canonized around the time the New Testament was canonized. I know the Christian process but not the Jewish process. When Jesus says "scripture," he means the Torah (the first five books), the Psalms (he adored the Psalms), and the major prophets (such as Daniel, Jeremiah, and Isaiah).
I studied New Testament in college. It explained so many questions I always had. Also, it completely and absolutely repudiated the Witness doctrines and explanations. Besides reading the text, we studied NEUTRAL academic histories and social studies of the first century. Judaism was highlighted. It was very hard then to have access to these materials. Jewish students did not automatically adopt the Christian view. They paid more attention to the actual text than the Christians. Time after time, Christians students were wrong. Jewish students correct.
I studied in the mid 1970s. In fact, I wanted to do graduate work at a good seminary but needed Greek ability. Within the past fifteen to twenty years, there has been an explosion of popular books written by scholars b/c people are fascinated. It is an industry within itself. Amazon and websites allow easy access to Gnostic scriptures and other materials that are free or nominal cost. One other thing I do is to find an excellent, academic type seminary. I view the catalogue and ask profs for the leading books in the field.
Another great resource is the Encyclopedia Judaica, available in most libraries. Whether Christian authorities lied, or simply had no access to correct information, it is a treasure trove to discover how Jesus and the apostles would view an Old Testament story or concept.
I cannot overstate what access to this info did to my fears of JWs. It was shocking to me to discover how uncoordinated the Bible is. Revelation is not spooky when you know what was happening and read about 10 different apocalyptic books of Christian and Jewish origin. The spooky stuff is a literary genre, not sheer spookiness. The Romans looked the other way if you wrote in code. A code that contemporaries would know but we do not know.
A google search of "HIstorical Jesus" and "New Testament Studies" will bring back countless documents. I would recommend N.T. Wright, Marcus Borg, Crossan, Ehrman. They will reference other scholars in their books so you don't rely on only one author.