Their move is "right around the corner"
Watchtowers Move to Warwick? Not Any Time Soon
by Gayle 24 Replies latest jw friends
"Soon" is an extremely interpretive word to WTS! Like 130 yrs later is still called 'soon.'
@Gayle- Thank you very much for posting this article!
The media likes to count it's chickens before they hatch!
The planned 850,000 sq ft complex at Warwick, NY will be a 4 year project. But it won't begin until local government approval is given. This could be next year. Thus it is reasonable to expect the complete move to Warwick will not be any sooner than 2015 or 2016.
If for whatever reason the Society does not get the go ahead to build as planned in Warwick, the move out of Brooklyn will be delayed indefinetly.
The Society also may decide not to move out of Brooklyn entirely. Plans get changed due to circumstances.
Look at Ramapo- the Society was not granted tax free status so that project was shelved.
As far as Armageddon being close or not- what has that got to do with whether the society builds any new facilities? Do you think if Armageddon was REAL that Jehovah would destroy HIS OWN BUILDINGS?
I was taught Armageddon is Jehovah's war against wickedness, not buildings!
If what jws teach is true, then think about this- where will the great crowd live after armageddon- in caves? Where will the literature come from to teach the BILLIONS of resurrected ones? It has always seemed reasonable to me that Jehovah would not destroy every building on the face of the earth and that the Bethel facilities would be preserved to be used in the new world. As a Witness I believed that.
Also- I was told that the work will continue moving ahead with no slowdown right up to Armageddon. So the society will continue to expand its facilities as needed right on up until Armageddon and these facilities would continue to be used after armageddon.
I always felt it was exciting to see the expansion taking place-and still do!
As for those critical of the society wanting to get the best price for their properties when they sell them, wouldn't YOU want to get the best price if you were selling your house? I WOULD! There is nothing at all corrupt about the wts waiting to sell until the market improves in order to get a better price. Would you say the same thing if a different group was selling the property?
Its just too much unfair bias against the wts on the part of some posters.
I also noticed the article mentioned that in Brooklyn the society opened up a park for their neighbors and elsewhere helped construct a new town hall. But nobody wants to mention that. All some want to do is criticize EVERYTHING the wts does. Well, I don't agree with you on that.
A lot of things occur without any of us knowing ALL of the facts yet so many are quick to attack the wts when they are doing nothing wrong!
It is my intention to try and remain fair and unbiased and balenced as hard as that is (yes it is hard!) in my views to towards the wts and what they are doing.
Thanks again Gayle for posting this very interesting article.
But do not blame the wts if in the future their plans change and they decide not to move completly out of Brooklyn. The brooklyn Bridge Park has nothing to do with the wts and its up to the city to find ways to mainain it!
And thanks to anyone who reads this entire post!!!!! (Please forgive my mistakes- my spelling sucks!!!!)
That can't be right... Rick Fearon mentioned a couple of months ago that Johnny the Bethelite told him that the Governing Body emphatically stated that they were definitely moving in 2012...
and if Rick Fearon said it, it must be true...
Band on the Run
I had a bit of experience with environmental impact statements. They take a lot of time to prepare. Once they file it, community groups, individual residents, a whole of range of people, can challenge the statement and show how bad the project would be. The sheer scale may be enough to get it axed. Once the administrative proceedings are complete, the court actions will commence. Reading the prior posts, I assumed they already had approval. There is no guarantee that they will win. What a joke!
Band on the Run- that is interesting that you mention EIS. The DEIS and FEIS for both Watchtower Farms Improvements and the WEC contained information I had been trying to find but couldn't. Its true you have to wade through many pages of boring info dealing with ecological matters and traffic, but they do include detailed info on the size of the buildings and include interesting sketches.
The media and real estate agents should not be so quick to think the society will sell ALL of their Brooklyn Buildings and if they do its not likely to be for quite a few years.
As far as the properties being worth a billion dollars-well its only worth what someone actually pays.
And as Band On The Run stated- they may not even get permision to build the complex in Warwick! See what happened to Ramapo! (Right now things look very positive regarding local government approval in Warwick and for Patterson (WEC) too.)
If all goes as planned the society's move out of Brooklyn would end up being in stages probably over many years.
I was taught Armageddon is Jehovah's war against wickedness, not buildings!
Theoretically, maybe - but the Watchtower illustrations always show lighting bolts destroying buildings, making craters in the streets, fires in the background, people falling in, etc.
I would suggest that after the big A the witnesses would need highways, railroads, water treatment plants, sewage disposal, electric generation, etc. more than they need a new world headquarters.
Band on the Run
Re: James Woods comment. Indeed, why aren't they encouraging young people to get engineering and architectural degrees. Whatever the Marshall Plan did in Europe, the post A. world will need oddles of such people. Urban planning. Environmentalists. Teachers. Technology people to establish and maintain an infrastructure. police, fire. The Society goes outside for such expertise today. Post the big A. - all the money they have won't be able to purchase these skills. Survivors of the big A. must have these skills. Water quality experts, artists, designers. Human life requires an infracstructure and trade routes. I wonder if there will be a resistance that just squeak by who will cherish and maintain Beatles, Stones, etc, jazz and classical music. Will prints of DaVinci, Michelangelo, Rembrant, Picasso, Degas, Renoir, be hidden.
I attended school in NY so I was exposed to Jews who planned to emigrate to Israel. They all wanted to be investment bankers, lawyers, and doctors in Israel but Israel already had these profs. from Israel proper. Israel was looking for argricultral experts, social workers, engineers, --very pragmatic stuff.
I love to fantasize of the Second Coming of Christ whenever in the future and Jesus' expressly revealed attitude towards the Society for messing people up so badly. Woe to you scribes and Pharisees!
If what jws teach is true, then think about this- where will the great crowd live after armageddon- in caves? Where will the literature come from to teach the BILLIONS of resurrected ones? It has always seemed reasonable to me that Jehovah would not destroy every building on the face of the earth and that the Bethel facilities would be preserved to be used in the new world. As a Witness I believed that.
According to the Witnesses God gave Noah plans for the Ark not the other way around, but your scanario does make a lot of sense.
Mad Sweeney
They have NO IDEA what the word "soon" means. Armageddon has been "soon" for over 100 years. Now their move to Warwick is "not any time soon."
They're both dumb AND liars.