Partaker Number To Be Eliminated?

by LostGeneration 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gayle

    Now, there's a court case against the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" of which the WTS has a count of 11,202 (2010) but no list of 'names.' These have been supposedly chosen by God and 'organized' to take care all the 'sheep.' But it is a 'mystery' of 'who' they are, even to JWs, including no clue to even the Governing Body. Don't know how this will be entered into the court, but can hardly wait to read the eventual transcript.

  • slimboyfat

    That's really interesting james_woods

  • LostGeneration

    @sir82- Yep pretty much sums it up. The only other option would be to drop the literal 144k number, but from the convention reports people have posted over the summer they are pretty much going down with the ship on that one.

    @straightshooter- Agreed, the number does them no good anymore without it going down. It just becomes an annual joke on the board here, no real reason for them to keep it around much longer for JWs to possible think about how absurd it is.

    @designs- It will be just another doctrinal staple of the JWs down the drain.

    @agonus- They have actually done a pretty good job at convincing people NOT to partake over the years. Pretty amazing that with more than 7 million member you can pass the bread and wine in front of them and only have 1% or so nibble and sip.

  • discreetslave

    When that article came out it helped me speed up my exit. I smelled a rat and I thought for sure they're getting ready to stop publishing the number of partakers or are trying to minimize the importance by saying most are insane anyway so it doesn't matter. When I spoke to others about it all of them had no clue how high the # of partakers was. They had stopped paying attn. So if that's any indication of most JW's it will be easy to drop it. They'll say something like there are too many mentally unstable & closet apostates to make this number worthwhile, Jehovah knows those that belong to him & that's all that matters or some other such nonsense.

    There was a brother who gave a talk right before I left that made me wonder if he's mentally out. He said the scripture at Rev 7:9 says a great crowd which no man was able to number so why are elders more focused on the head count than actually taking care of the sheep. They could use that reasoning as new light to stop publishing all figures.

  • slimboyfat

    Far fewer than 1% in fact, more like 0.1%

  • discreetslave

    How can they still say that people are holding on to false religious beliefs. They beat the heavenly hope out of you right from the get go.

  • LostGeneration

    @slimboy- I stand corrected! Nice catch, its more like one out of a thousand not 1 out of 100. Even more amazing that the JWs can get virtually their entire flock to ignore Matthew 26:26-28!

    26 As they continued eating, Jesus took a loaf and, after saying a blessing, he broke it and, giving it to the disciples, he said: “T AKE , eat. This means my body.” 27 Also, he took a cup and, having given thanks, he gave it to them, saying: “Drink out of it, all of YOU ; 28 for this means my ‘blood of the covenant,’ which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Discreet Slave: When I spoke to others about it all of them had no clue how high the # of partakers was. They had stopped paying attn. So if that's any indication of most JW's it will be easy to drop it.

    Of course the R&F has no clue -- THEY DO NOT READ THE YEARBOOK.

    The WTS only wish they could get the R&F to read and study the publications like apostates do. (Maybe they should be careful what they wish might run even more outta the Truth (TM) .)

    How can they still say that people are holding on to false religious beliefs.

    Guess the elders didn't do a good enough job review the baptism questions with them.


  • steve2

    I'd guess that, in the longer run, there'd be more advantages than disadvantages from discontinuing to report the (claimed) annual number of anointed 'partaking of the emblems'.

    Sure it could stumble the odd JW with one or two active brain cells, but it won't affect the vast majority who sleep-walk their weary way through the never-ending last days of this system.

  • WontLeave

    The whole Memorial is a sham. The only ones invited to the first one were the apostles, then later those who received gifts of Holy Spirit. There were no "observers" who didn't partake. Even if JWs are right that only the "little flock" are supposed to eat and drink the meal, isn't it party crashing to have over 1000 people for every partaker? Add to that, it's held on the wrong day and it's just laughable. Everyone gather the day before Passover while claiming it's Passover to listen to a dry infomercial for JWs and make a big deal about ritualistically passing communion around the room only to reject it. That screams cult, to me.

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