Another time when I was a teen I had the CO call me directly at home. We knew him pretty well because he stayed in our home the week of their visit. He called me asking if I had any experiences of informal witnessing at school. I really hadn't since I tried to keep my JW status on the down low. He assumed I had because I was a seemingly exemplary teen. I ran the sound box and mics and frequently auxillary pioneered even during school months (public school). He seemed so surprised when I had no experiences come to mind and sat silently on the phone while I awkwardly tried to think of any possible experience. I finally (after some LONG awkward pauses) drummed up a rather tepid encounter from the past where I had loaned a copy of the Reasoning book to one of my closest non-witness friends at school. He simply wanted to understand more about my beliefs because we were friends. I don't even recall how I built a story around it, but it had to have been embellished just to fill the time. I did write it myself, so it was honest, but definitely drawn out in the detaila and with pretend optimism of future developments that would never be.
It was more the like the CO liked the idea of me having a part and wanted me for that demonstration regardless of how inane the actual story was!