I've been assuming it was the Governing Body. I remember in pioneer school,well,that was 20 years ago, the faithful slave was annointed,but so were the domestics. It was the annointed "feeding" the annointed spritually. The great crowd were just benefactors of this special knowledge.
There was an eccentric older man in the congregation I grew up in, who claimed to be of the annointed. Some kind of secretly questioned if he truly was annointed. He kind of did things his own way. He worked in service by himself and made up his own tracts to distribute. It's funny,but he didn't bother knocking on the doors,since the people weren't interested anyway.lol.
He had been disfellowshipped with a number of others when they didn't accept the Watchtower as God's channel. He and his wife were the only members of the group to be reinstated.
He claimed that he was part of the "faithful slave". That he was part of the group of annointed that wrote letters to headquarters to explain Bible doctrine. Well,at the time,I doubted this. And now,I know that if he wrote any such letters,they definitely weren't taken seriously.
I think the biggest discussion was on who the domestics were,the great crowd,but no,they aren't,it's explained to be other annointed. So,it's just another confusing doctrine.
On my journey out,and maybe not really caring about anything Watchtower related,but maybe this will be my last research question.