I Don't Understand The November Watchtower About Apostates Being Insane And The Evils Of Blogging.

by AvocadoJake 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bella15

    What THEY say:

    It also includes individuals, organizations, and nations that falsely claim to represent Christ or that improperly ascribe to themselves the role of Messiah by presumptuously promising to achieve that which only Christ can do ..

    What THEY really say:

    Jesus Christ is not the Mediator between Jehovah God and all mankind. He is the Mediator between his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, and the nation of spiritual Israel, which is limited to only 144,000 members.” —Worldwide Security Under the “Prince of Peace,” p. 10

    What the Bible says:

    “For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all…” —1 Timothy 2:5-6 (NASB - New American Standard Bible )

  • BluesBrother

    Prodigal Son said

    "Hey, they get this crap right out of the Bible."

    In fact they get it from their very own "New World Translation" of The Bible. Other mainstream translations use much more reasonable words to translate the Greek text.....and of course the writer was discussing Christianity as a whole, not the J W's

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Jake's question is whether the reverse is true. Are mentally diseased people considered apostate by the WT leaders? That doesn't follow logically, no.

    That would be like saying "all people have hair" means that "all beings with hair are people," which is neither true, nor does it follow from logic.

    The Watchtower is saying that apostates are mentally diseased and that disease is contagious. It really has nothing to do with the Kingdom Halls full of mentally ill people.

  • factfinder

    Welcome AJAKE!!!

    I think punkofnice explained it very well.

    If you convince the publishers that anyone who leaves is an "apostate" and is "mentally deseased" then the publisher will never listen to what anyone who leaves says. My brother won't.

    I do not consider myself an "apostate". I think the new gb are doing a lot of things wrong and my faith in the Bible and the paradise earth is gone. But I do not say anything to any witnesses against what the wts says. Each must decide for themselves what to believe.

    No one ever asked me why I left. Its not an easy question to answer though.

    But I am 100% against the gb claiming ALL who leave are apostates, trying to turn others against the wts. I'm not. I just saw no more reasons to remain an active witness.

  • AvocadoJake

    Hello All!

    I do have a JW background, I am not DF'ed or DA'ed but have taken a vacation from the guilt and never ending "You can do more if you just try!" I am tired of hearing about how loving and spirit appointed the elders are, when I have seen the deepest dark side of many of them. As for my background, I learned from a very tender age, if I was not good, "You will be part of the Buzzard's evening meal, when all the corpses are lined up on the ground!" The November Watchtower of this month has a strange article about those who decide to leave the Organization. Some indivudal in England actually called the police and has been trying to get "Hate Crime" charges against the Society. I am frustrated with those in charge, those who fail to implement what Jesus Christ said to do. My brother was going to meetings in the 1990s with my mother and soon stopped going. No elder from his Hall ever stopped by to see what was going on. This young man who attended meeting from the age of 8 to 17, who commented and was on in the school, stopped going to meetings. No elder or individual ever went to check on this potential convert! The elders were always quick to stop by all the drunks to pass out magazines or spend time driving in circles looking for nothing to do! For those of you who have stopped going to meetings, I can tell you, those in charge are doing a much better job than you are here. This is what I mean by that statement, they don't spend time with the father-less boys or orphans. When these young ones stop attending meetings, those pillars of strenght scratch their heads and say "Oh those kids were weak. Let's go to Starbucks and get a donut, we can count our time if we have a tract sticking out of our pocket. After Starbucks we can go see how Pot-head Phil is doing, we have only called on him, six times this week." The Society has no idea what is going on, they don't see their own men, are destroying the faith of those who don't have connections in the Hall. As for me, i receive the slaps on my back for all the research I do. Remember, most don't even read the magazines and all the books they receive! Sorry if I am rambling too much!

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