Anyone here converted to the dark side by monitoring this site for WTS?

by TweetieBird 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • TweetieBird

    Another thread got me to there anyone (elders in particular) that eventually had a change of heart by monitoring this site as a believing JW?

  • TweetieBird

    Does anyone know of someone that this happened too?

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I'm a former elder who left thinking it was probably bullshit. Years later, after monitoring this site.....I'm now convinced it's utter bullshit.

    Think About It

  • DesirousOfChange

    My first visit was the result of Googling about the big secret announcement that was to be read about 2 years ago, so DO NOT MISS the Service Meeting next week. Well, knowing that most elders gossip more than anyone (except perhaps their wives), I figured it would be leaked somewhere.

    It was. HERE!!!

    The big secret announcement: NO MORE BOOKSTUDY! That's right, the most important meeting of the week was being discontinued!

    Then...........I got my copy of the new Elders Book here. (Thanks, Gayle.)

    I never imagined I'd ever have the nerve to post here. (Now over 1,000)

    Now............this site has become an addiction. It has been my spiritual downfall. Any 12-step groups for this?


  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    If there is a 12 JWN addiction I need to join too....

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    This site showed me I was not ALONE!

    I have read hundreds of Stories here that I saw happen in my Old Hall......

    Same Story....different Names and places!

  • 00DAD

    Not here, but somewhere around 2002-3 I came across info on the internet exposing the WT's association as a NGO of the United Nations. I had already been having private, personal doubts and misgivings, but that really put it over the top. Still, it wasn't until 2009 that I finally left and even then it was messy. There's really no good or easy way out of this religion. The best is probably a long, slow fade which is NOT at all what I did.

    I may have briefly looked at this particular site occasionally after 2009, but all those years of indoctrination made my gun-shy of "apostate websites". It wasn't until July of this year after reconnecting with a good friend that I really respected that had been out for about 4 years that I began coming here often at his suggestion.

  • snare&racket

    Alarm bells should always ring when you are told you can not and should not access certain knowlege or opinion.....

    I will never forgive myself for not listening to those bells, I have also installed larger bells ;)

  • ziddina

    Har - de - har, Snare&Racket...

  • undercover

    Alarm bells should always ring when you are told you can not and should not access certain knowlege or opinion.....

    Plagerizing this, but I love this quote: I'd rather have questions I can't answer than have answers I can't question

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