It was nice to believe that we would not grow old, that the earth was beyond harm, and that everything was going to be wonderful someday... Oh to be the ignorant fool again
What up, tdogg!?? Been missing your posts, dude.
I can relate to what you said. It *was* nice thinking that one day all our worries would be over, that a kindhearted god would step in and do for us what we have never been able to do for ourselves. To still be asleep, dreaming those dreams, would be nice. Too bad we had to wake up and learn the REAL truth, eh?
If all people, upon learning the truth about the Truth(tm), found that same feeling of liberation, this place would carry a lot less pain. Attitude is everything.
Well said, Six.
It's another of the advantages of knowing the truth: we really ARE the same, differing only by the trappings that we acquire along the way. If there's a problem between people or nations, it's up to us humans to fix it. Nobody is going to step in and do it for us.
I guess that is why a part of me clings to being an shred of hope for something after this life.
Same here. I hold out the possibility that I'll wake up after leaving here, that there really *is* a tunnel with a bright light at the far end. If so, I have no fear of standing before the judgment seat of the Great Wizard. I'll have a couple of questions.
The good that I have gotten out of this realization of almost certain death is that I now live my life for today, not for some "fantasy" future. I will have my children NOW, I will explore new places NOW, I will fulfill my dreams NOW and not spin my wheels anymore waiting for the perfect world.
One of the truly sad facts about those still in the Organization is that they will never have a life... not now or later.
I think sometimes of a married couple I know who have put off having kids.... a real nice couple who'd make splendid parents. They look forward to the New Order so they won't have the concerns of today's parents.
I wish I could shake them... wake them up... make them see that if they don't have children NOW they never will. They dream on.
On the other hand we can also realize that "hell I only have one turn" and I sure as heck am going to try and have fun everyday.
Like Xena said, we have our chance for a life NOW... might as well make the most of it.
a topic near to my heart: death! LOL!
Hello, TMS.
Gruesomely funny. I can relate.
Because of our similar histories in the Organization, I can relate to everything you said. I also once thought that having a retirement plan was a waste of good money not to mention an expression of lack of faith in Jehovah's ability to provide. Needless to say, "tend to your retirement plan" is now one of my favorite sayings.
My wife and I discussed just this morning that we had finished our last bit of unfinished business. Finally, a happy son.
Good for you... and him!!
Sort of a euphoria has set in for us. Most everything looks good, smells good and tastes good. Even North Texas terrain with its stark winter dormancy looks good. The goldfinches look good. Mr. Redbelly Woodpecker looks good.
Since I know what I now know, I try to find SOMETHING to enjoy everyday. People are always hoping for the weekend—"Can't wait till Friday!!"—and I always think, "you better enjoy the Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, too. We only get so many of them."
Me and my sister and brother used to talk about what we would do, where we would live, and where we would go when the 'new order' came. I think it was mostly a fantasy escape for us, because we were very poor. We would drive past beautiful homes and hope to live in them in the 'new order'. Oh, the delusion.
Ah! A common pastime of us JWs, especially when we went door to door in the 'good' neighborhoods!! I never saw a house I wanted to live in, though, since I always planned to build my own. I *did* see features I hoped to incorporate, however.
And funny how everyone wanted their house in that spot in the peaceful meadow with the majestic mountain range in the background and the calm lake in front! I guess no one would be living in flat middle America or in the deserts like in the Southwest. Nope! Only the picture-perfect, postcard setting would do.