2012 Special talk, but it is in Spanish
by wolfman85 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thanks, useful as I know Spanish. I'll translate if people are interested.
I'll translate the title...
Is the end closer than you think?
By the way, I was just reading the talk outline and noticed that this is just noticed that this is just your basic "run of the mill" "Do-More... Be-Scared... End-Is-Near"Special Talk that will be given a few days after the 2012 memorial
This is a google translation. A bit hard to follow, but since it is similar year on year it is not hard to guess what is meant. A lot of woe, the signs are upon us, quick have a Bible study and convert.:
Is the end closer than you think? Note: It Blel the audience "on the basis of love", especially when analyzing the u last sections n, addressed to the inactive (Philemon 9, 266 pa be rrs. 2-4)
"Tell us, when shall these things [?]" (4 min.)This week we commemorated the death of Jesus s we have concentrated on lya ae honor Jehovah God reminded us of the intense love they feel for us even though we are sinners (Romans 5:8, 1 John 4:9)
As an or after an or proclaim the death of Sen or observing the commemoration n, m s we approach the end of this system of things (1 Cor 11:26)
The fascinating prophecy of Jesus in Mark 13:1-4 s has long been a subject of great interest speculations n s [le alo]
This sen composed of several features to enable them to its discipline aa R ECENT ples gave identify as the evil world of Satan s [read Mark 13:8]
The prophecy fulfillments have two: one in the first century and another in our God as ¿Seest to cumpliendoMarcos13: 8Now? What muestranloshechos? Ltimosdi Deverdadestamosenlosu as? Will a man leave less than what you believe?
COMPOSITE SIGNAL THE LAST DAYS (11 min.) Let's examine five of the traits mentioned Jesu s 1) "It lifted against national born n n kingdom against kingdom" (w08 15 / 5 13 Pa rr. 7) since 1914 have died ma s one hundred million people because of wars 2)"There will be earthquakes in one place after another" (w11 1 / 5 4) 3) "There will be food shortages" (w11 1 / 5 5) 4)"There will be [...] in one place after another pestilences" (Lu 21:11; w11 1 / 5 6) There will be "increasing of lawlessness" (Matthew 24:12) 5)The lawlessness, ie, wickedness or evil, is a blatant disregard for divine laws and principles, each time ma s are those who do not believe that adultery or homosexuality are a sin (Isa 5:20; W02 1 / 3 9 para. 8)We have just mentioned five aspects of the composite sen What do you think? Are we living in, or as di LAST?
These aspects are the n becoming evident as never before
The facts prove that much less for the end of what most people believe to
We do not know ma mo re time Jehovah s will offer the opportunity to reconcile and l (2 Cor 5:18-20; w98 15/12 17 rrs 18 patients. 9-11)
What we do know is that it is about the destruction of the wicked n [read 2 Peter 3:11, 12]
Should ask ourselves: "Co mo I'm showing that I truly believe that 'the time left is reduced" "(1 Cor 7:29-31)
Jehovah invitaagentedetodotipodeantecedentesaadquirirelconocimientobi blicoquedavida (Rev22: 17) to act in harmony with that knowledge leads to eternal life on earth so Parai
Do you like the idea?
Then should be put to work
Jehovah's Witnesses will gladly help you learn co mo na reconcile his life with God's will
Lord also ndeseaquelasovejasquesehanhechoinactivasregresenasusamorososbrazos (Dt33: 27; Lam 3:40)
Where once you were an active servant of the Lord, endorse the words of 1 Peter 2:25 [le alo] (130 pa rr jr. 5)
That's efforts to be here today is clear evidence that has not forgotten his Pastor and mandates [read Psalm 119:176]
There are many reasons why a person gets to be inactive (w08 15/11 pa rrs 13-15. 5-13)
Ma s beyond the reasons you had, please accept help, so you can resume your service
our Pastor, who so loves (jr pa rrs 72-76. 13-16, 152, 153 pa rrs. 22-25)
Let the Word of God and our Christian publications to help you enhance your spirituality (Ps 119:105)
Do not forget that with the wholehearted support of the congregational n (1 Peter 5:2; w08 15/11 16 patients rrs. 19-22) Nu m. 181-S 6 / 11
In old age ¨, the Lord sent prophets to his people to remind them what I should do and they warn an of divine judgments (Amos 3:7)
Today I gave to, Jehovah uses his anointed servants to remind us all how little fault (Eze 3:21)
These Christians have stood firm, like pillars of iron in a fortified city (Jer 1:17-19)
The anointed have 'gone cen hips'; tap into the power that the Word of God gives them to complete their missions n
Try to show the same zeal that support them and give them
It is crucial that "we pay the usual s ma na atencio das heard things for us" (Heb 2:1; Lu 21:34-36) In the past, who ignored the warnings of destruction a nd reacted when it was too late Now it is giving notice that ma s urgent, the tests that are Armagedo n is close to overwhelming
Millonesdepersonasprefierenhaceroi dossordos, peroselesesta acabandoeltiempo There is less than what they think! Do you realize how little you need?
Think seriously about his heavenly Father Wha tell nt and l believe that missing?
It is our prayer that you find safety in the ca lido embrace of the Lord, our Great Shepherd (Isa 40:11)
(Follow carefully INFORMATION Ngas sketch and tie while sections assigned to each n. It is not necessary to read and comment on all the texts cited. Benef CIESE See the book, pa gs. 52-54 and 116 - 119)
Must be nonsense even Google doesn't understand it LOL
Then should be put to work
I love that line from Google translate, it is exactly how the Watchtower would like to write the sentence, though I expect they toned it down a bit.
wow... lot's of errors but still a very good translation...
This is what I thought that the WT's MEPS system did... I later found out that I was misled by elders and that MEPS only fits images and texts so that they are on the same page number in any language...
thanks JW facts ( i was about to sit down and translate the whole thing!)
Lovely...the one Sunday public talk out of the whole year when there might actually be members of "the public" in attendance, and they use the occasion to bash homosexuality (point 5 under "composite signal" above).
What are these guys thinking?
Seems to be a bit more emphasis on getting the inactive / once a year types to come "back into the fold." Maybe there might be a bit more of an effort than usual to get Memorial attendees to go along to the special talk.
And the usual guff about how well the anointed ones (aka the GB in this context , not old Mary or nutty Suzy) are "setting the lead".