I think you will find that the society won't mention the Harry Potter movie/books by name...but they will no doubt release a WT or Awake article with a ghosts/demons/witchery/warlock theme ...and they will concentrate on children's entertainment. It will all be very pointed but I strongly doubt that they will mention any particular movie by name. But I could be wrong.
As for your friend jiutman...he isnt my ex is he?? He is probably justifying his decision to watch Star Wars because the theme is not directly involving witch craft or wizardry...and I like the way you reasoned with your friend using the 'force' etc. I believe you can always trip up a JW on their conscience decisions...there is always a flaw somewhere at sometime....I would tell your JW friend that he should be "righteous in what is least as well as righteous in what is great"....there is no in between.
Trixie..your friend can read ANY book....but she can't watch any movie. I used to read absolutely anything and everything...especially the forbidden stuff...because no one cared....but once I hired the movie all hell would break loose. I once read "Bridges In Madison County"....loved the book...and I was even lending it out to sisters in the Cong. I then hired the movie...I was told by my ex (an elder) to turn it off as it was about adultery. What a wanker he was....the book was more racey then the movie LOL. What a moron! The first thing I did when I left the borg and the ex was watch all the movies I was denied in the past...with titles that would make you blush....like "The Piano" LOL.